Section 488.425 - Motorboat engines: Flame arresters and similar devicesThe carburetor of each inboard motor which uses gasoline as fuel must have one of the following:
1. A backfire flame arrester constructed in accordance with specifications approved by the United States Coast Guard and in conformity with its regulations. The flame arrester must be suitably secured to the carburetor air intake with flame tight connections.2. An engine and fuel intake system which provides protection against the propagation of backfire flame to the atmosphere and whose protection is equivalent to that of an approved flame arrester. A gasoline engine which has such a system and is operated without an approved flame arrester must be tested and labeled in accordance with detailed specifications and approved by the United States Coast Guard.3. An attachment to the carburetor or location of the engine air intake by means of which flames caused by engine backfire will be dispersed to the atmosphere outside the vessel and will not endanger the vessel or persons on board. The attachment must be of metallic construction with flame tight connections and firmly secured to withstand vibration, shock and engine backfire.Nev. Admin. Code § 488.425
Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, Motorboat Reg. No. 100 § 34, eff. 2-10-82NRS 488.045, 488.193, 501.181