Section 488.420 - Motorboat engines: Ventilator ducts1. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, each motorboat, which uses fuel with a flash point of 110°F or less must have at least two ventilator ducts, fitted with cowls or their equivalent, for the efficient removal of explosive or flammable gases from the bilges of every engine and fuel tank compartment. At least one exhaust duct must extend from the open atmosphere to the lower portion of the bilge, and at least one intake duct must extend to a point at least midway to the bilge or at least below the level of the carburetor air intake. The cowls must be located and trimmed for maximum effectiveness to prevent displaced fumes from being recirculated.2. Each permanently installed fuel tank must have an outboard screened vent which is away from all hull openings.3. The requirements set forth in subsection 1 do not apply to a motorboat in which all compartments of the engine and fuel tanks and any other spaces into which explosive or flammable gas or vapor may flow are open to the atmosphere.Nev. Admin. Code § 488.420
Bd. of Wildlife Comm'rs, Motorboat Reg. No. 100 § 33, eff. 2-10-82NRS 488.045, 488.193, 501.181