Section 445A.538 - Notification of certain eventsEach supplier of water shall:
1. Consult with the Division or the appropriate district board of health and provide public notification for a violation of a treatment technique requirement resulting from a single exceedance of the maximum allowable turbidity pursuant to 40 C.F.R. § 141.203(b)(3) as identified in Appendix A to Subpart Q of 40 C.F.R. § 141, as adopted by reference in NAC 445A.4525.2. Notify the Division or the appropriate district board of health by telephone as soon as possible, but not later than the end of the next business day, whenever: (a) The combined filter effluent exceeds: (1) One unit of nephelometric turbidity in a system using conventional or direct filtration treatment; or(2) The maximum level of turbidity established by the Division or the appropriate district board of health for systems using alternative technologies.(b) There is a failure to maintain at least 0.2 milligrams per liter of residual disinfectant in the water being delivered to the distribution system. The supplier of water shall also notify the Division or the appropriate district board of health as to whether or not the residual level of disinfectant was restored to at least 0.2 milligrams per liter within 4 hours.(c) An event occurs which may affect the ability of the treatment plant to produce safe, potable water, including, but not limited to, spills of hazardous materials in the watershed and failures of the unit treatment process.(d) An outbreak of waterborne disease that is potentially attributable to the water system occurs.(e) There is a failure to meet the minimum concentration times time for any given day.Nev. Admin. Code § 445A.538
Added to NAC by Bd. of Health, eff. 11-29-90; A by Environmental Comm'n by R126-05, 10-31-2005; R194-08, 10-27-2009