Treatment of Water: Generally
- Section 445A.495 - Definitions
- Section 445A.4957 - "Bin classification" defined
- Section 445A.4963 - "Composite correction program" defined
- Section 445A.4965 - "Comprehensive performance evaluation" defined
- Section 445A.4967 - "Comprehensive technical assistance" defined
- Section 445A.497 - "Concentration of residual disinfectant" defined
- Section 445A.498 - "Concentration times time" defined
- Section 445A.5065 - "Filtered system" defined
- Section 445A.508 - "Heterotrophic plate count" defined
- Section 445A.509 - "Level of turbidity" defined
- Section 445A.5095 - "Microbial toolbox" defined
- Section 445A.510 - "Outbreak of waterborne disease" defined
- Section 445A.5135 - "Unfiltered system" defined
- Section 445A.514 - "Unit of nephelometric turbidity" defined
- Section 445A.516 - "Watershed" defined
- Section 445A.517 - Applicability
- Section 445A.518 - Submission of plan for compliance with requirements; date for final compliance
- Section 445A.519 - Procedure for review of actions taken by Division; appeals
- Section 445A.5195 - General requirements for monitoring quality of source water to determine bin classification
- Section 445A.520 - General requirements for treatment
- Section 445A.521 - Filtration: Methods of treatment
- Section 445A.522 - Filtration: Efficiencies for removal
- Section 445A.524 - Filtration: Use of alternative technology
- Section 445A.525 - Filtration: Avoidance of requirements
- Section 445A.526 - Standards for disinfection
- Section 445A.5265 - Requirements for treatment of Cryptosporidium
- Section 445A.527 - Requirements for monitoring
- Section 445A.529 - Submission of engineering report for system of treatment installed before November 29, 1990
- Section 445A.530 - Submission and approval of engineering report before construction or modification of facility; standards for design
- Section 445A.531 - Inclusion of features for reliability in design and construction of plant
- Section 445A.5315 - Comprehensive performance evaluations; comprehensive technical assistance
- Section 445A.532 - Certification of persons operating facility
- Section 445A.533 - Standards for operation of facility for filtration
- Section 445A.5335 - Composite correction program
- Section 445A.534 - Equipment of facility for disinfection
- Section 445A.535 - Requirements for plan of operations
- Section 445A.536 - Maintenance of records
- Section 445A.537 - Submission of monthly reports and other reporting actions
- Section 445A.538 - Notification of certain events
- Section 445A.539 - Periodic performance of sanitary survey of watershed; report of survey
- Section 445A.540 - Requirements for notification of persons served by system