Current through September 17, 2024
Section 294-17.002 - POST TO FINISH17.002.01 When clear, a horse may be taken to any part of the course but no horse shall cross or weave in front of other horses in such a way as to impede them or constitute or cause interference or intimidation.17.002.02 During a race, no jockey shall willfully strike, strike at or touch another jockey or another jockey's horse or equipment, or jostle another horse for the purpose of interfering with that horse or jockey.17.002.03 No jockey shall unnecessarily cause his or her horse to shorten his stride in an attempt to influence the stewards to disqualify another horse.17.002.04 Unless the stewards determine that a foul did not affect the outcome of a race, the stewards shall place the horse who has committed a foul behind such horses as in their judgment were fouled by the offending horse, or they may place it last.17.002.05 All horses shall be ridden out in every race and must carry their assigned weight from post to finish. All horses and jockeys are expected to give their best efforts in races in which they ride and any instructions or advice to jockeys to ride or handle their mounts otherwise than for the purpose of winning are forbidden and will subject all persons giving or following such instructions or advice to disciplinary action by the stewards and Commission.
17.002.06 If two (2) horses run in one interest in any race, each shall give his best effort. The practice of declaring to win with one or the other of such horses will not be allowed.17.002.07 If a horse during the running of a race, becomes crippled or otherwise obviously unable to finish (broken bone or profuse bleeding or any other equally disabling condition) he shall be dismounted, unsaddled and removed from the track without passing the stand and furthermore he shall under no circumstances be destroyed on the track or in the presence of the public, without the permission of the stewards.17.002.07A If a bone is broken, horse will remain on the track until horse ambulance arrives and removes him. (See Chapter 3.005.03)17.002.07B If destruction of an animal is determined as necessary, said destruction will be accomplished by the track veterinarian in a place out of vision of the public, and, its removal after destruction shall be the responsibility of the veterinarian. (See Chapter 14.001.09)17.002.07C If destruction of an animal is determined necessary, said destruction will be accomplished by the track veterinarian through the use of a needle only.17.002.07D Jockey will not be required to weigh in.294 Neb. Admin. Code, ch. 17, § 294-17.002