7 Miss. Code R. § 7-III

Current through December 10, 2024
Section 7-7-III - Organizational Procedures and Staff
A.Organizational Requirements
1.Required Ratio: The teacher-pupil ratio shall be 1:22 maximum. If a full-time assistant teacher is assigned to the kindergarten classroom, the teacher-pupil ratio shall not exceed 2:27.
2.Required Length of School Day and Term: The length of the school day and school term shall be the same as that of the other grades of the elementary school.
3.Required Physical Activity Time: Students shall participate in physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes during the school day, in accordance with MS Code 37-13-134. The physical activity does not have to take place continuously. Weather permitting, physical activity should take place outside.
B.Organizational Recommendations
1.Recommended Ratio: To enhance pre-reading instruction, to provide more individualized instruction, to promote more time on task, and to minimize disruptions, it is recommended that the teacher-pupil ratio not exceed an enrollment of 16 per teacher. If an assistant teacher is assigned to the kindergarten classroom, it is recommended that the teacher-pupil ratio not exceed an enrollment of 22 per teacher/assistant teacher team. The employment of an assistant teacher is recommended to assist the certified teacher regardless of teacher-pupil ratio.
2.Recommended Quiet Time: Students should engage in a minimum of 30 minutes of quiet time daily. Activities during quiet time may include individual activities, sustained silent reading, listening to books on tape, drawing, or resting, as appropriate for each individual student.
1.Required Educator Certification
a.Teacher: Public school kindergarten teachers must hold one of the following endorsements: Pre-K * K (153), Elementary Education K * 3 (116), Elementary Education K * 4 (152), Elementary Education K * 6 (120), Elementary Education K * 9 (115), or Nursery * Kindergarten (151). By fall 2016, new kindergarten teachers seeking an initial elementary education license must make a passing score on the Pearson Foundations of Reading Assessment in accordance with MS Code 37-3-2.
b.Assistant Teacher: IN GENERAL * Each local educational agency receiving assistance under this part shall ensure that all paraprofessionals hired after the date of enactment of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 and working in a program supported with funds under this part shall have:
(A)* completed at least 2 years of study at an institution of higher education;
(B)* obtained an associate's (or higher) degree; or
(C)* met a rigorous standard of quality and can demonstrate, through a formal State or local academic assessment -
(i) knowledge of, and the ability to assist in instructing, reading, writing, and mathematics; or
(ii) knowledge of, and the ability to assist in instructing, reading readiness, writing readiness, and mathematics readiness, as appropriate.

By fall 2018, it is recommended that assistant teachers have an associate's degree in early childhood education, child development, or an equivalent field.

2.Required Professional Development for Staff: School systems must provide regular training related to principles and methods of early childhood education and reading instruction for all kindergarten teachers, assistant teachers, and program administrators. Training should reflect appropriate best practices for early childhood (Pre-K through Grade 3) and should be evidence- or research-based.

7 Miss. Code. R. § 7-III

Amended 2/20/2016