7 Miss. Code R. § 7-II

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 7-7-II - Physical Settings and Outside Play
A.Physical Settings
1.Required Guidelines for Existing Structures

* The classroom shall consist of no less than 35 square feet per child with a minimum of 600 square feet.

* Kindergarten classrooms shall be located at ground level.

* Every closet latch shall be such that children can open the door from the inside.

* The maximum distance to an exit from any point in the building shall not exceed 150 feet. The maximum distance from the classroom door at the corridor to an exit shall not exceed 100 feet.

* Safety covers are placed on all wall sockets which are not in use.


* Every toilet room door lock (applicable only for restrooms attached to classrooms) shall be designed to permit opening of the locked door from the outside in an emergency, and the opening device shall be readily accessible to the staff.

* In the event of an emergency, adults shall be able to get to students, regardless of the student restroom location (classroom or hallway).

* The classroom will not be located more than 125 feet from a bathroom.


* Furniture shall be of an appropriate height, and will vary to meet the needs of all children.

* Tables and chairs shall be the primary type of student furniture.


* It is required that each classroom have an area to be used for large group meetings. It is recommended that each classroom have an area rug or individual carpet squares to be used for large group meetings. It is recommended that the area have a rug, carpet squares, crates with cushions, or other comfortable seating.

e.Building Codes

* All building construction shall conform to the 2012 International Building Codes, the American Disabilities Act, the Life Safety Codes, and to any other city or county building codes.

2.Optional Guidelines for Existing Structures

* Where multiple kindergarten units occur within a school, it is recommended that they be grouped adjacent to one another for teacher and child interaction and for optimum use of common facilities.

* It is recommended that each kindergarten classroom have a work counter of at least 12 feet with at least one sink. The sink should be stainless steel or porcelain, standard with gooseneck fitting on one side and a drinking bubble on the other side. It is recommended that the sink have cold water only. A paper towel dispenser accessible to students and a trash receptacle should be located near the sink.

* It is recommended that 110 volt wall plugs be located every 10 feet to 15 feet around the classroom.


* A toilet room in the classroom is recommended for kindergarten children.

* It is recommended that toilet seats in bathrooms be from 10 to 13 inches from the floor.

* It is recommended that lavatories be 24 inches from the floor.


* At least two small bookcases or book display shelves are desirable.

* A desk, chair, file cabinet and/or personal area should be provided within the classroom for teachers.


* Classroom areas, not carpeted, should be covered with resilient flooring or other easily cleaned material. Roll-type resilient flooring has the advantage of a minimum amount of jointing.

e.Storage and Space

* Base cabinets are recommended below all counters. Doors should be attached to some cabinets and some should be left open to serve as shelves. An open cabinet (18 x 24 inches and 24 x 36 inches) will accommodate the large paper used for easel painting.

* Cabinets, 12 inches deep, are recommended over the entire counter area for general storage.

* Open storage units known as cubbies are recommended for every two students. Each cubicle needs to be four feet high and two feet wide with coat hanging space at the bottom and a storage area at the top. Coat hooks should be installed 36 inches from the floor.

* Adequate storage space should be provided. The storage units may include one wall of built-in cabinets or moveable storage sections. Most storage units should be accessible to children to facilitate independence and responsibility within the classroom. Storage space, above the reach of the children, is recommended for use by teachers.

* Adequate space for display of children's work should be provided. Bulletin boards can be located on walls and/or fastened to the backs of cabinets and bookcases.

* If space within the school is available, it is recommended that a teacher work area of 180 to 200 square feet be allocated for use by every two to three kindergarten teachers. This area is needed for individual assessment of children, conferencing with parents, making classroom materials, and planning meetings.

3.Required Guidelines for New Structures Established after July 2017

* The classroom shall be a minimum of 1,000 square feet.

* The minimum classroom width shall be 24 feet except in pod-type structures.

* Classroom lighting shall contain operable standard fluorescent lights with area controls that provide adequate lighting. Switches within reach of the children will be located at the doors. Toilet rooms shall contain lighting fixtures.

* The maximum distance to an exit from any point in the building shall not exceed 150 feet. The maximum distance from the interior classroom door at the corridor to an exit shall not exceed 100 feet.

* Kindergarten classrooms are to be located at ground level.


* Each classroom shall contain a minimum of one bathroom that shall consist of a toilet and lavatory, or at the district's option the lavatory may be omitted if the work counter area is equipped with a sink and is in close proximity to the toilet room door. The toilet paper holder is required and is to be placed within a child's reach from the toilet.

* Individual toilet rooms are required to accommodate the physically handicapped and be in compliance with ADA regulations.

* Every toilet room door lock shall be designed to permit opening of the locked door from the outside in an emergency, and the opening device shall be readily accessible to the staff.


* Furniture shall be of an appropriate height, and will vary to meet the needs of all children.

* Tables and chairs shall be the primary type of student furniture.


* Classroom areas, not carpeted, must be covered with resilient flooring or other easily cleaned material. Roll-type resilient flooring has the advantage of a minimum amount of jointing.

e.Building Codes

* All building construction shall conform to the 2012 International Building Codes, the American Disabilities Act, the Life Safety Codes, and to any other city and county building codes.

f.Storage and Space

* Open storage units (cubbies) shall be provided for each student.

* Wall receptacles shall be placed 10 feet to 15 feet apart in each classroom. Any receptacle in the counter area should not be located near a sink. A minimum of six outlets is required. Safety covers should be provided for wall sockets.

* Every closet latch shall be such that children can open the door from the inside.

* Built-in cabinets or portable storage areas shall be constructed to promote accessibility of materials to the child in order to encourage the selection of activities, to facilitate room clean-up, and to serve as learning center dividers.

4.Optional Guidelines for New Structures

* All kindergarten units within one school or building should be grouped in the same general vicinity for optimum use of common facilities.

* It is recommended that 110 volt wall plugs be located every 10 to 15 feet about the classroom.

* A minimum of 50 square feet of window area per unit is recommended. Windows should be located no more than two feet from the floor. Windows should open from the inside for ventilation purposes. A generous glass window area is recommended to overlook the playground and promote an indoor-outdoor atmosphere. Roofing overhang and installation blinds or shutters should be provided to combat excessive sunlight.

* Careful consideration should be given to the locating of kindergarten units in new structures. Each classroom should have a door opening onto the playground or other attractive outdoor space. A six-foot roof overhang makes the outdoor area useable on a rainy day as an outdoor learning center.


* One bathroom is recommended for every eight kindergarten units.


* At least two small bookcases or book display units should be provided.

* A body-length, shatter-proof wall or floor mirror should be located in close proximity to the dramatic play/housekeeping center area or in close proximity to the toilet area.

* A desk, chair, file cabinet, and/or personal area should be provided within the classroom for teachers.

* A teacher work area of 180 to 200 square feet minimum should be allocated for use by every two to three kindergarten teachers. A proportionately larger space shared by all kindergarten teachers in a school would suffice. This room should be made inviting through use of carpeting and appropriate furniture. Also included should be a four-drawer file cabinet, two chairs, a work counter, or table storage shelving.


* A 9 x 12 foot area rug or individual carpet squares of low-pile high-density fiber should be used to carpet a portion of each classroom.

e.Storage and Space

* Cubbies should be four feet high and two feet wide with coat hanging space at the top and below. Coat hooks should be placed 36 inches from the floor.

* It is recommended that base cabinets be placed below all counters. Doors should be attached to some cabinets and some should be left open to serve as shelves. Open cabinets 18 x 24 inches and 24 x 36 inches will accommodate the large paper used for easel painting.

* It is recommended that 12-inch deep upper wall cabinets be located at adult height over the counter area.

* It is recommended that an upright 3 x 5 cabinet be provided for every two kindergarten classrooms. Utility cabinets will be used for storage of brooms, mops, and other large items.

* Adequate space for display of children's work should be provided. Bulletin boards can be located on the walls and/or fastened to the backs of moveable cabinets and bookcases.

B.Outside Play Area
1.Required Guidelines for Designated Areas: A designated area for supervised outside periods during the kindergarten day shall be provided. It is required that kindergarten students not simultaneously share an area with children in grades three or above during designated outside periods. All new and remodeled playgrounds are required to follow the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 so that the facility is readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities. Further information can be found in the Public Playground Safety Handbook published by U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
2.Required Guidelines for Protection from Hazards: Developmentally appropriate play premises and/or equipment shall be provided to facilitate learning and ensure safety, in accordance with public playground safety guidelines. The outside play area shall have defined boundaries to protect children from environmental hazards.
3.Optional Guidelines for Play Area: It is recommended that kindergarten students simultaneously share an area with only children in grade one. It is recommended that the outdoor play area be a minimum of 4,300 square feet for two kindergarten classes. For each additional class, another 1,400 square feet is recommended. A covered area should be located on the playground to allow children protection from the sun and to serve as a play area during inclement weather. It is recommended that this area be 225 to 300 square feet for each kindergarten class, with a sloped concrete surface to shed water.

7 Miss. Code. R. § 7-II

Amended 2/20/2016