AACE | Accessible Automated Case Environment |
ACB | American Council of the Blind |
ACT | The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act |
ADHD | Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder |
ADL | Activities of Daily Living |
AW | Ability Works |
AFDC | Aid to Families with Dependent Children |
AGI | Adjusted Gross Income |
ALF | Assisted Living Facility |
AMRC | Addie McBryde Rehabilitation Center for the Blind |
ARC | Association for the Rights of Citizens with Developmental Disabilities |
AT | Assistive Technology |
AL | Assisted Living |
BEP | Business Enterprise Program |
BIA | Brain Injury Association |
BSC | Basic Service Grant |
CAP | Client Assistance Program |
C/E | Certificate of Eligibility |
CEC | Comprehensive Evaluation Center |
CEU | Continuing Education Unit |
CIL | Center for Independent Living |
CF | Count Fingers |
Core Services IL services defined in Section 7 (17) of the Act means: information and referral services; IL Skills Training; peer counseling (including cross-disability peer counseling); and, individual and systems advocacy.
CSR Consumer Service Record maintained for an eligible consumer receiving IL services and meeting the requirements of 34 CRF 364.53
CMI | Chronic Mental Illness |
CPM | Certified Public Manager |
CRP | Community Rehabilitation Program |
CRC | Certified Rehabilitation Counselor |
CRS | Case Review Schedule |
CSAVR | Council of State Administrators for Vocational Rehabilitation |
CSLR | Counselor |
CCWAVES | Commission of Certification of Work Adjustment and Vocational Evaluation Specialists |
CD | Consumer Directed |
COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment |
CVE | Certified Vocational Evaluator |
DB | Decibel |
D/B | Deaf-Blind |
DD | Developmental Disability |
DDS | Disability Determination Services |
DFA | Mississippi Department of Finance and Administration |
DHS | Mississippi Department of Human Services |
DM | District Manager |
DMH | Mississippi Department of Mental Health |
DOM | Division of Medicaid |
DSU | Designated State Unit |
E & D | Elderly & Disabled |
EPSDT | Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment |
FFP | Federal Financial Participation |
FHA | Federal Housing Administration |
FTE | The equivalent of one person working full-time for one year |
FFY | Federal Fiscal Year |
HCBS | Home and Community-Based Services |
HCBS 105 | Admit and Discharge Form |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization |
HIPPA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development |
IADL | Instrumental Activities of Daily Living |
ICF | Intermediate Care Facility |
ICF/MR | Intermediate Care Facility for persons with Mental Retardation |
ID/DD | Intellectually Delayed/Developmentally Disabled |
IDEA | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IPE | Individualized Plan for Employment |
IL | Independent Living |
ILP | Individualized Independent Living Plan |
ILRC | Independent Living Rehabilitation Counselor |
LIFE | Living Independence for Everyone |
LPC | Licensed Professional Counselor |
LOC | Level of Care |
LSW | Licensed Social Worker |
LTC | Long Term Care |
MDRS | Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation Services |
MRC | Methodist Rehabilitation Center |
Minority Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Asian Americans, Black (African Groups) Americans, Hispanic or Latino Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders.
MP&A | Mississippi Protection & Advocacy Systems |
MPA | Mississippi Paralysis Association |
NF | Nursing Facility |
NOA | Notice of Action |
NOD | Notice of Determination |
NFB | National Federation of the Blind |
NLP | No Light Perception |
OBRA | Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act |
OSDP | Office of Special Disability Programs |
OVR | Office of Vocational Rehabilitation |
OVRB | Office of Vocational Rehabilitation for the Blind |
OS | Left Eye |
OD | Right Eye |
OU | Both Eyes |
PA | Prior Authorization |
PAS | Pre Admission Screening |
PAS Summary | Physician Certification (Section X) |
PERS | Personal Emergency Response System |
PERS | Public Employees' Retirement System |
PCA | Personal Care Attendant |
POC | Plan of Care |
PRTF | Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility |
RAM | Rehabilitation Association of Mississippi |
RAMP | Rehabilitation Administration & Management Programs |
RCD | Rehabilitation Counselor for the Deaf |
RCF | Residential Care Facility |
RID | Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf |
REACH | Realizing that Empowerment through Accomplishment and Confidence building, it is Honorable to be Blind. |
Reporting Year The most recently completed Federal fiscal project year staring October 1 and ending September 30.
RM | Regional Manager |
RN | Registered Nurse |
RSA | Rehabilitation Services Administration |
OSERS | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services |
SGA | Substantial Gainful Activity |
SCI | Spinal Cord Injury |
SE | Supported Employment |
SFY | State Fiscal Year |
SILC | Statewide Independent Living Council established in each State as required by Section 704 and 705 of the Act. |
SILS | A State Independent Living services program funded under Part B, Chapter 1 of the Title VII of the ACT |
SLD | Specific Learning Disability |
SMI | Serious Mental Illness |
SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility |
SOICC | State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee |
SPB | State Personnel Board |
SPIL | State Plan for Independent Living |
SRC | State Rehabilitation Council |
SRT | Speech Reception Threshold |
SSA | Social Security Administration |
SSDI | Social Security Disability Insurance |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income |
START | Success through Assistive Rehabilitation Technology |
SWIB | State Workforce Investment Board |
TANF | Temporary Assistance for Needy Families |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
TCM | Targeted Case Management |
TDD | Telecommunication Device for the Deaf |
TTY | Teletypewriter for the Deaf |
TWE | Trail Work Experience |
UCL | Uncomfortable listening level |
VA | U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs |
VE | Vocational Evaluation |
VEWAA | Vocational Evaluation & Work Adjustment Association |
VR | Vocational Rehabilitation |
VSMS | Vineland Social Maturity Scale |
VTI | Vocational Training Instructor |
WAIS | Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale |
WC | Workers' Compensation |
WEP | Work Experience Program |
WIA | Workforce Investment Act |
WIIA | Work Incentives Improvement Act |
WISC | Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children |
WMS | Wechsler Memory Scale |
WRAT | Wide Range Achievement Test |
32 Miss. Code. R. 1-23.0