Compensation to be paid to the dealers for performing work and services in connection with their delivery and preparation obligations shall be deemed prima facie reasonable if arrived at in the following manner:
After the aggregate time for all functions has been thus determined, additional time allowances shall be made for shop and mechanic operating variables based on invoice pricing as follows:
*Invoice Price | Additional allowance | *Invoice Price | Additional allowance | *Invoice Price | Additional allowance |
$2000 & Under | .0 | $3201-3600 | .4 | $4801-5200 | .8 |
$2001-2400 | .1 | $3601-4000 | .5 | $5201-5600 | .9 |
$2401-2800 | .2 | $4006-4400 | .6 | $5601-6000 | 1.0 |
$2801-3200 | .3 | $4401-4801 | .7 | $6001-up | 1.0 |
*Net dealer price of car, options and accessories.
30 Miss. Code. R. 1301-2.8