2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-16-107.01

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-16-107.01

Record keeping requirements for owners. Records on every animal that requires official ID shall be maintained for five years from the time the animal leaves the flock or dies. For animals not born in the flock, records must include the flock-of-origin number or the previous owner's name and address, date of acquisition, a description of the animal (sheep or goat, and breed or class), and flock of birth, if known. When official ID tags are applied, it is recommended that the owner correlate official ID with production records, such as lambing dates, for all breeding animals. The owner shall maintain a record of the name and address of the market or buyer, the date, the number of animals sold, and a description of the animals (sheep or goat, and breed or class) for all animals moved from the flock.

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-16-107.01