18 Miss. Code. R. 26-4-H

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 18-26-4-H - Community Education

Every district shall provide, at a minimum, two community education events during the federal fiscal year (Oct 1st-Sept. 30th). The State Ombudsman must be given prior notice of said events.

Document every Community Education seminar given in your district in WellSky as "Community Education" under Program Activities, including the training topic, time spent, number of participants and other NORS required fields. It should be put under "Facility Not Applicable."

The training topics include:

* Adult Protections

* Advance Directives

* Aging

* Behaviors

* Choice Options

* Communications

* Community Services

* Complaint Process

* Developmentally Disabled

* Elderly Abuse

* Family

* Legal

* Long-term Care

* Medicaid

* Medicare

* Mental Health

* Ombudsman Services

* Other

* Physicians

* Regulations

* Resident Rights

* Restraints

* Staffing

* Survey

Every presentation an Ombudsman gives and each meeting an Ombudsman attends with community groups, senior centers, churches, etc. can be counted. Examples would be informing other agencies and the public about the Ombudsman Program or explaining issues, needs, or rights affecting residents of long-term care facilities.

18 Miss. Code. R. 26-4-H

Adopted 4/12/2019