CSBG Services
MDHS-DCS ensures compliance with this assurance by making funds available to the sixteen (16) eligible entities. These entities use funds to support activities such as disaster assistance, job training, educational support, career development, volunteer efforts, nutritional support, health education and access, tax preparation assistance, mentoring, parenting development, childcare services, and other activities as needed for low-income families and individuals. A review of eligible entities program performance ensures these activities are accomplished and/or referred to other local and state providers. Program areas offered by entities include: Early childhood programs, economic development/education, emergency services, housing, income management, nutrition and health programs, independent living/aging programs, transportation, community improvement/quality of life programs, youth programs, and employment programs.
Needs of Youth
Entities are required as part of their community action plan to describe youth programs and activities they will sponsor to address the needs of youth. The state reviews the CAP annually to ensure these services are provided and reviews monthly progress reports to keep track of services/referrals provided. MDHS-DCS ensures compliance with this assurance by making funds available to eligible entities to conduct after school tutorial programs, summer programs, year round educational programs and activities, and summer reading programs for youth. These programs will promote educational excellence and youth development which prevents youth problems and crime. Support will be given to eligible families of the participants to ensure family needs are met through the case management process, and referrals made to other local providers.
Coordination of Other Programs
Through case management, low-income families are assessed and referred to other DHS programs and local programs. Entities are required to develop partnerships and pool resources with social service providers, local organizations, religious organizations to increase support and opportunities for low-income families and communities, and to avoid duplication of services. In order to fully address the needs of families and to evaluate the outcome of their work, entities must follow up with families to ensure services were provided by the organizations they were referred to.
The State requires eligible entities to submit documentation on their partnerships with other service providers and organizations as part of their community action plan in their subgrants for funding. Eligible entities link families to resources within the entity and within the community.
State Use of Discretionary
Note: the State describes this assurance under "State Use of Funds: Remainder/Discretionary," items 7.9 and 7.10
[No response; links to items 7.9 and 7.10.]
Eligible Entity Service Delivery, Coordination, and Innovation
Eligible Entity Service Delivery System
The service delivery system used to deliver CSBG services is provided by eligible entities to meet identified needs of eligible families and communities, and to achieve outcomes based on the six national goals. Service delivery systems vary from entity to entity, just as the communities and people served. Commonalties to the service delivery system include:
Eligible Entity Linkages - Approach to Filling Service Gaps
Note: The state describes this assurance in the State Linkages and Communication section, item 9.3b.
[No response as the state describes this assurance under 9.3b.]
Eligible entities are required as part of their community action plan to develop partnerships with local and state social services providers, religious organizations, local governments to fill gaps in the services the entity cannot provide. Referrals are made and follow up is done to ensure services were delivered. The State assures this requirement by requiring entities to submit a list of the local and other partnerships to fill gaps in their service delivery, as part of their annual subgrant for funding.
Coordination of Eligible Entity Allocation 90 Percent Funds with Public/Private Resources
Note: The state describes this assurance in the State Linkages and Communication section, item 9.7.
[No response as the state describes this assurance under 9.7]
Eligible entities use their CSBG funds to leverage additional public and private resources, which assist with achieving outcomes within the framework of the national goals. CSBG resources are used to support the infrastructure of the entities to include sound governance, fiscal, programmatic, and personnel management. This results in greater accountability and capacity, thus enabling entities to leverage public and private resources through their community outreach and partnerships. As reported in the 2022 Leveraging Report, eligible entities leveraged $2,198,255.
Eligible Entity Innovative Community and Neighborhood Initiatives, Including Fatherhood/Parental Responsibility
Note: The description above is about eligible entity use of 90 percent funds to support these initiatives. States may also support these types of activities at the local level using state remainder/discretionary funds, allowable under Section 675C(b)(1)(F). In this State Plan, the state indicates funds allocated for these activities under item 7.9(f).
Local entities hold community events or in-office sessions to promote family and parenting in which various activities, information sharing, and referrals are done to assist families with the skills needed to strengthen their ability to provide for their families and be more engaged in the lives of their children. Eligible entities use funds to develop, implement, and support initiatives such as fatherhood, healthy marriage, and family development activities designed to enhance the quality of family life and strengthen families. Entities are encouraged to partner with other local or state service providers to convene teen, fatherhood and parental summits and training as part of family development activities. These activities will facilitate dialogue and provide valuable data for entities to use in planning services and projects to address challenges expressed by the low-income population.
Eligible Entity Emergency Food and Nutrition Services
Entities are required as a part of their community action plan to address the provision of food and supplies to CSBG eligible households. The state reviews their plans annually to ensure these services will be provided and reviews monthly performance reports to keep track of the services provided. Eligible entities are required to partner with their local DHS Economic Assistance offices to refer clients for expedited SNAP benefits in emergency situations. If SNAP benefits cannot be provided that same day, entities must provide nutrition assistance by giving food vouchers to meet emergency nutritional needs. Entities are required to coordinate with local soup kitchens and food banks to meet emergency nutritional needs.
State and Eligible Entity Coordination/linkages and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Employment and Training Activities
Note: The state describes this assurance in Section 9, State Linkages and Communication, specifically under 9.1 - 9.4b.
[No response as the state describes this assurance under Section 9.1 - 9.4b]
State Coordination/Linkages and Low-income Home Energy Assistance
Note: The state describes this assurance in Section 9, State Linkages and Communication section, items 9.2 and 9.5.
[No response as the state describes this assurance under 9.2 and 9.5]
Federal Investigations
Note: The state addresses this assurance in Section 10, Fiscal Controls and Monitoring under 10.13.
[No response as the state describes this assurance under 10.13]
Funding Reduction or Termination
Note: The state addresses this assurance in Section 10 Fiscal Controls and Monitoring under 10.7.
[No response as the state describes this assurance under 10.7]
Coordination with Faith-based Organizations, Charitable Groups, Community Organizations
Note: The state describes this assurance in Section 9 State Linkages and Communication, under 9.6.
[No response as the state describes this assurance under 9.6]
Eligible Entity Tripartite Board Representation
Note: The state describes this assurance in Section 11 Eligible Entity Tripartite Boards, under 11.3.
The State has a Board Policy in place to ensure this requirement. The Board Policy is given to all entities and the State conducts reviews of eligible entity bylaws to ensure bylaws have policies for tripartite board representation.
Eligible Entity Community Action Plans and Community Needs Assessments
Note: The state describes this assurance in Section 13 ROMA, under 13.5 and 13.6.
[No response as the state describes this assurance under 13.5 and 13.6]
State and Eligible Entity Performance Measurement: ROMA or Alternate system
Note: The state describes this assurance in Section 13 ROMA under 13.1 - 13.4.
[No response as the state describes this assurance under 13.1 - 13.4]
Validation for CSBG Eligible Entity Programmatic Narrative Sections
Note: The state provides information for each of the assurances directly in section 14 or in corresponding items throughout the State Plan, which are included as hyperlinks in section 14.
[No response for this item]
[x]By checking this box, the state CSBG authorized official is certifying the assurances set out above.
18 Miss. Code. R. 15-1-1-14