16 Miss. Code. R. 160.4.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 16-160.4.2 - Interlibrary Loan Services
A. Lending Services. Most materials in the Library Commission's Primary Resource Collection are available for interlibrary loan to public, university, community or junior college, school, and special libraries. Photocopied materials, including periodical articles and copies from reference materials, are limited to thirty (30) pages from any one source, within copyright restrictions. Such copied material is provided free-of-charge and becomes the property of the requesting library. Libraries which borrow materials from the Library Commission shall bear the cost of return postage and insurance for materials mailed to the Library Commission.
B.Borrowing Services. The Library Commission shall initiate interlibrary loans as needed for state employees and officials. State employees and officials may request interlibrary loan directly from the Library Commission or through the state agency library of the employee or official. Such materials may be picked up at the Library Commission or mailed to a state government work address. Individuals are required to return materials to the Library Commission by the due date and to pay any fines/fees for late, lost, or damaged material assessed by the owning library. If the request is initiated by the state government library, the state government library is responsible for any fines/fees assessed regardless of ability to obtain payment from the requesting employee or official. Failure to comply may result in loss of interlibrary loan privileges.

Interlibrary loan from the Blind and Physically Handicapped Collection provides users with visual impairments and physical disabilities with access to additional titles and copies of materials from other sources. No interlibrary loan charges are assessed for blind and physically handicapped materials and resources.

C. Training.
1. Electronic Resources - Search suggestions and brief orientations may be offered to available electronic resources. In-depth Internet and database training is not provided to the general public.
2. Intellectual Property - In-depth orientation to the specialized patent and trademarks databases and search techniques needed to research intellectual property is offered. First-time intellectual property researchers must make an appointment with the patent librarian to schedule an orientation. In accordance with guidelines set forth by the U. S. Patents and Trademarks Office, Library Commission staff cannot perform individual patent or trademark searches.
D. Other.
1. Additional limited training services may be offered to targeted users or the general public.
2. Public Computer Resources - Designated Library Commission public access computers may be used to access the agency's on-line catalogs, the Internet, and other databases in order to conduct research. A Library Commission card may be required to access public access computers. Users may be required to schedule usage and adhere to time limits established by Library Commission staff. Users shall adhere to the Library Commission's Internet usage policies.

The Library Commission may make a limited number of laptop computers, with wireless access to the Internet, available for check-out for use only within the Library Commission premises. To check out a laptop computer, an individual must present a valid Library Commission card, must sign a laptop computer borrower agreement, and must present a state-issued photo identification. The borrower agreement acknowledges that the user shall: accept full responsibility for the equipment while on loan, not permanently load any software or save work on the laptop, adhere to the Library Commission's Internet usage policies stated in section II.D.5, allow library staff to check the condition of the equipment prior to check-in, return the laptop by the due time or upon request of the library staff, agree to pay any fines imposed for late return, and agree to pay for repair or replacement of any equipment that is damaged through neglect or loss while on loan to the user.

E. Liability. The Library Commission is not responsible for damages, direct or indirect, or for any liability that may arise from any user's use of the agency's library resources.

16 Miss. Code. R. 160.4.2

Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated § 39-3-107 (Rev. 1988).