16 Miss. Code. R. 160.4.1

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 16-160.4.1 - Reference Services

The Library Commission's Primary Resource Collection is specialized and designed to meet the needs of targeted user groups. Reference services are offered based on the specialized resources available. Reference librarians shall be available to assist individuals in using the collections. Reference librarians shall respond to questions which are received in person or by mail, telephone, fax, email, and messaging from State employees and officials, other libraries, and the general public. Staff shall provide in-depth assistance to libraries and State government for job-related inquiries. Staff shall also offer assistance to the general public by providing information in the form of short answers to specific questions or guidance in locating materials. In response to telephone, fax, mail and email inquiries, staff may mail brief printouts or photocopies to the user. The Library Commission will not mail circulating materials directly to the general public. Circulating materials may be checked out in person to eligible users or requested through the interlibrary loan services of a local library.

Reference staff for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Collection shall provide routine, ready reference for registered users and respond to inquiries from libraries, institutions, and interested parties. Ready access to an in-depth print collection, concentrating on the areas of visual impairments and physical disabilities, shall be maintained. When appropriate, questions that cannot be answered by staff shall be referred to another entity.

16 Miss. Code. R. 160.4.1

Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated § 39-3-107 (Rev. 1988).