15 Miss. Code. R. 9-95-1.2.13

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-9-95-1.2.13

The J-1 physician and his/her employer must, on commencement of practice and annually thereafter through the contract period, verify the physician's practice site address and field of practice. The reporting can be submitted on the "J-1 Visa Physician Verification of Employment Form" contained in this application packet. The first report must be submitted within 30 days. For population based HPSAs, documentation that the population the foreign physician was placed there to serve was indeed served must be submitted. The final report must indicate whether the J-1 physician intends to remain in the shortage area to practice. Failure to submit accurate reports in a timely manner that complies with the Mississippi J-1 Visa Waiver Guidelines will jeopardize future recommendations for J-1 Visa physician placements. These verification forms will be shared with the ARC.

15 Miss. Code. R. 9-95-1.2.13

Miss Code Ann, § 41-3-17
Amended 10/19/2020
Amended 2/13/2022