15 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-1.2.6

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-3-1-1.2.6 - Term of Trauma Center Designations
a. The Department shall designate trauma centers for a period not to exceed three (3) years. Designations shall remain active for three years provided no substantive changes or variances have occurred. The Department may perform periodic trauma center audit/reviews at each designated trauma center. The State Health Officer (SHO) may extend trauma center designations for one (1) year.
b. After completion of a designation survey, the team conducting the survey will make a recommendation to the Department for designation. The Director of the Bureau of Acute Care Systems (BACS) will present the survey report and the team's recommendation to the state Trauma System Medical Director (TSMD). The TSMD may seek advice or further recommendation from the Mississippi Trauma Advisory Committee (MTAC) during its executive session, if the TSMD disagrees with the recommendations of the team; otherwise the TSMD may make direct recommendations to the State Health Officer.
c. The Director of BACS will prepare a memorandum detailing the recommendations of the team and signed by the TSMD for the State Health Officer and will forward the memorandum and the designation letter to the State Health Officer for signature. Once signed, the letter will be sent to the hospital receiving the survey.

15 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-1.2.6

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-59-5
Adopted 8/30/2017
Amended 3/1/2018
Amended 8/7/2020