15 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-1.2.5

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-3-1-1.2.5 - Categories of Trauma Center Designations
1. Complete Designation: The hospital has completed the requirements for designation at the application level.
2. Complete Designation with Conditions: The hospital has completed the requirements for Complete Designation at the application level with the exception of minor (no patient or operational impact) condition(s). This designation category may be used for initial designations or an interim change in status from Complete Designation due to a temporary loss of a capacity or capability.
a. Any hospital receiving written notification of Complete Designation with Conditions must submit to the Department within thirty (30) days from the receipt of notification a written Corrective Action Plan (CAP) including timelines for completion.
b. The Department, upon receipt, shall either approve or disapprove the plan within thirty (30) days. The Department may require a "Focused Survey" with an inspection team to review the hospital's CAP for complete implementation. If the Focused Survey team deems the CAP fully implemented, the hospital will receive Complete Designation.

15 Miss. Code. R. 3-1-1.2.5

Miss. Code Ann. § 41-59-5
Adopted 8/30/2017
Amended 3/1/2018
Amended 8/7/2020