Exhibit 11-6-1-3-C to Chapter 1, Subchapter 3 - SAND AND GRAVEL BAR MINING IN-THE-DRY1. The only vehicles/equipment on the sandbar shall be loading equipment and off-road hauling equipment. All highway vehicles shall remain on the access road.2. The stream banks shall remain sloped and intact. Any disturbance shall be repaired.3. Vegetation on the stream bank shall remain undisturbed except for a minimum area (normally less than 20 feet in width) necessary for ingress and egress to the site.4. The stream bottom shall remain intact.5. The mining activity shall be conducted in the dry. A natural undisturbed area of at least 15 feet in width shall be left between the mining activity and the stream flow. No equipment shall be allowed to operate in the undisturbed area.6. Measures shall be taken to prevent erosion and sedimentation.7. In no event shall a sand bar adjacent to a previously mined sand bar be mined until the previously mined sand bar has substantially replenished to pre-mining conditions. Additionally, sand bars less than one river mile apart shall not be mined concurrently.8. No mining activity shall be conducted at sharply angled bendways (90° or more change in direction) unless the applicant has demonstrated to the Department that there is no significant potential of bisecting the point bar and altering the existing flow pattern.9. No mining activity shall be conducted on mid-channel sand bars.10. Vegetation and debris disturbed during the mining activity shall be removed to an upland location and placed in such a manner as to prevent re-entry into the stream.11. Mined material shall not be stored or stockpiled within the banks of the stream, except for a limited quantity for daily operation.12. No rubbish, trash, oil, lubricating material, or other pollutants shall be stored within the banks of the stream or be placed in a location where they are likely to cause pollution of any waters of the State.13. When work is completed in an area, normal physical characteristics of the work area shall be restored, to the extent practicable, without causing additional disturbance. The site shall be graded to smooth contours while maintaining the integrity of the undisturbed areas and the stream bank.14. The Department may require additional conditions and limitations necessary to protect water quality.
Miss. Code. tit. 11, pt. 6, ch. 1, subch. 3, exh. 11-6-1-3-C to Chapter 1, Subchapter 3
Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-2-1, et seq. and 49-17-1, et seq.