Current through January 14, 2025
Exhibit 11-6-1-3-B to Chapter 1, Subchapter 3 - FRESHWATER AND COASTAL MARINA GUIDELINESI. Siting Criteria A. Marinas shall be located in areas that eliminate or minimize the loss of wetland vegetation.B. Marinas shall not be sited in open shellfish harvesting waters.C. Marina design shall not disrupt normal water circulation patterns or restrict tidal flow in adjacent water bodies.D. Marina basins shall provide for water circulation and be designed to accommodate tidal flushing by incorporating flow through breakwaters or similar structures.E. Marina basins excavated from uplands shall be designed to optimize tidal flushing and internal circulation.1. The basin should be rectangular and have a length to width ratio between 0.5 and 2. Corners in the basin interior should be rounded.3. The basin should have a symmetric entrance(s) with maximum width and minimum length.4. The basin shall not be greater in depth than the entrance channel which shall be no deeper than the controlling navigational depth.5. Basin and channel depths shall gradually increase toward open water. II. Sewage Treatment Guidelines A. No persons shall live on boats moored at the marina unless the boats are equipped with a Type III (non-discharging) marine sanitation device (MSD).B. A wastewater pumpout facility shall be provided for the following: 1. marinas that are located within one tidal cycle of open shellfish harvesting waters,2. marinas that berth more than twenty-five (25) boats,3. marinas that berth any boats used in a live-aboard status,4. marinas that berth a majority of commercial boats,5. marinas that are in close proximity to a public water supply intake, or6. marinas that are in close proximity to a swimming area.C. Marinas utilizing wastewater pumpout facilities shall prominently display a sign at the marina showing the location of the nearest pumpout facility as well as other appropriate waste disposal information.D. The pumpout facility shall be tied into a collection and treatment system that has the approval of the Department or State Department of Health.E. All marinas shall observe compliance with a "locked head" policy for all docked vessels with Type I and II MSDS and the notification of this policy to marina users shall be initiated upon completion of the project.III. Storm Water Management The applicability of these criteria will be determined by the Department on a case-by-case basis. If storm water runoff management is necessary to protect water quality, criteria shall be applied as follows:
A. Approximately the first half inch (0.5) of storm water runoff from impervious surfaces and boat maintenance areas shall be retained. Runoff shall be routed through grassed swales, wetlands, retention and detention ponds and other systems that decrease run off velocity, increase infiltration and allow suspended solids to settle and remove pollutants in the water column.B. Surface runoff from the construction, operation and/or maintenance of any service facility associated with the marina, especially boat maintenance areas, shall not discharge directly into water bodies with limited flushing and pollutant assimilation potential (i.e., marina basin, entrance channels). When storm water outfalls are necessary, they shall be located to discharge into areas with high flushing rates.C. Porous surfaces such as crushed stone or shell shall be used wherever possible (particularly in parking areas).D. Clearing shall be minimized and vegetated buffers such as marsh or natural vegetation shall be created and/or retained on the site between land disturbance activities and water areas.E. Erosion and sediment controls shall be installed prior to commencement of upland construction.IV. Fueling Facilities A. Fuel storage tanks shall be located onshore above ground unless the tanks meet the federal requirements for underground storage tanks in 40 C.F.R. 280.B. Containment dikes shall be constructed around above ground storage tanks. The diked area shall be able to contain: 1. the volume of the tank plus a ten-year, 24-hour rainfall event, or2. 150% of the volume of the tank. Miss. Code. tit. 11, pt. 6, ch. 1, subch. 3, exh. 11-6-1-3-B to Chapter 1, Subchapter 3
Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-2-1, et seq. and 49-17-1, et seq.