Part 2890.3800 - MAXIMUM COSTS FOR OTHER CONTRACTOR SERVICES For the following tasks, the cost is prima facie unreasonable when it exceeds the amount specified for it in the bid for contractor services or the maximum cost specified when the task was started, whichever is less:
A. clean fill purchase, transportation, and installation has a maximum cost of $19 per cubic yard;B. drum disposal has a maximum cost of $182 for a drum and its contents plus $79 per hour for the associated loading and hauling;C. excavation has a maximum cost of $9 per cubic yard;D. hauling has a maximum cost of $121 plus $0.30 per cubic yard/mile;E. loading has a maximum cost of $3.63 per cubic yard;F. pumping of free product or petroleum-contaminated water using a vacuum truck has a maximum cost of: (1) $103 per hour when a vacuum truck having a capacity of less than 3,000 gallons is used; or(2) $121 per hour when a vacuum truck having a capacity of 3,000 gallons or more is used;G. soil test pit excavation has a maximum cost of $121 per test pit;H. stockpiling has a maximum cost of:(1) $3.63 per cubic yard, when the stockpiling takes place on the leak site or the soil disposal site, or when the stockpiling takes place on property other than the leak site or the final disposal site and it is not necessary to rent the temporary storage site; or(2) $4.24 per cubic yard, when the stockpiling takes place on property other than the leak site or the final disposal site and it is necessary to rent the temporary storage site;I. surface disposal tipping fees has a maximum cost of the reasonable actual cost charged by the disposal facility;J. treatment of free product or petroleum-contaminated water has a maximum cost of: (1) $1.21 per gallon or $43, whichever is greater, for mixtures of water and light oil (diesel oil, No. 1 to No. 4 fuel oil);(2) $2.42 per gallon or $43, whichever is greater, for mixtures of water and heavy oil (drain oil, No. 5 and No. 6 fuel oil); and(3) $2.42 per gallon or $43, whichever is greater, for mixtures of water and gasoline; andK. utility clearance has a maximum cost of:(1) the reasonable actual cost up to $242 for each utility clearance event for which a private utility locator is not necessary; and(2) the reasonable actual cost up to $605 for each utility clearance event for which a private utility locator is necessary.Minn. R. agency 120, ch. 2890, pt. 2890.3800
20 SR 227; 28 SR 383; L 2010 c 241 s 4; MS s 115C.07 subd 3 paragraph (f)Statutory Authority: MS s 115C.07