Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Inactive Status
A. The Board shall place the license of any registered nurse or licensed practical nurse on inactive status if the licensee:
(1) Has not satisfactorily completed 1,000 hours of active nursing practice or graduated from an approved nursing program within the 5-year period immediately preceding the date of anticipated renewal or chooses inactive status;
(2) Completes the annual application for inactive status.
(3) Pays all fees.
B. A licensee on inactive status may not practice nursing in this State. However, a registered nurse on inactive status may use the title "registered nurse", and a practical nurse on inactive status may use the title "licensed practical nurse".
C. A licensee on inactive status may apply for an active status license provided that the licensee:
(1) Meets the renewal requirements of Health Occupations Article, § 8-312, Annotated Code of Maryland; and
(2) Submits to the Board:
(a) The required application; and
(b) Written, verified evidence that the licensee has submitted to a criminal history records check in accordance with Regulation .13 of this chapter by:
(i) Completed an application for a criminal history records check by submitting two sets of fingerprints required by the Central Repository and paying all fees required by the Central Repository and the FBI; or
(ii) Completed a criminal history records check in accordance with §C(2)(b)(i) of this regulation through another state board of nursing within 5 years preceding the date of the renewal application.
D. An additional fee may not be charged to change from inactive to active status.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulations .14 adopted effective May 10, 1993 (20:9 Md. R. 779); recodified from .13 effective 44:3 Md. R. 189, eff. 2/13/2017; amended effective 45:13 Md. R. 667, eff. 7/2/2018