Md. Code Regs.

Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Renewal of License
A. The Board shall renew the license of a licensee who meets all the requirements of Health Occupations Article, § 8-312, Annotated Code of Maryland and of this chapter.
B. The Board shall renew licenses biennially according to the following schedule:
(1) A registered nurse or licensed practical nurse with an odd-numbered birth year shall always renew in an odd-numbered year not later than the 28th day of the licensee's birth month; and
(2) A registered nurse or licensed practical nurse with an even-numbered birth year shall always renew in an even-numbered year not later than the 28th day of the licensee's birth month.
C. At least 3 months before a license expires, the Board shall send the licensee a renewal notice by:
(1) First-class mail to the last known address of the licensee; or
(2) Electronic means to the last known electronic address of the licensee.
D. It shall be the responsibility of the licensee to notify the Board if a renewal notice is not received.
E. The Board cannot guarantee that renewal applications received later than 30 days before the expiration date will be processed before the expiration date.
F. The Board shall issue a volunteer license to any registered nurse or licensed practical nurse who meets the licensure renewal requirements provided the licensee:
(1) Certifies to the Board that the licensee provides professional services only as a volunteer;
(2) Completes the required application; and
(3) Pays the required fee.
G. Active Licensure Renewal.
(1) An individual applying for active licensure renewal shall show evidence of:
(a) 1,000 hours of active nursing practice within the 5 years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application;
(b) Satisfactory completion of all requirements for a diploma or degree from a Board-approved nursing education program within the 5 years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application; or
(c) Completion of 30 continuing education units (CEUs) within the 2 years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application.
(2) College or University Coursework
(a) A renewal applicant may submit qualifying college or university coursework to fulfill the requirement under §G(l)(c) of this regulation.
(b) 15 CEUs shall be awarded for each semester hour completed of a qualifying college or university course.
(c) For the coursework to qualify:
(i) The college or university course shall be related to the renewal applicant's nursing practice; and
(ii) The renewal applicant shall receive a grade of "C" or higher, or the numeric equivalent in the course.
(d) An official transcript shall be acceptable as proof of completion of a qualifying college or university course.
H. Continuing Education.
(1) Except as provided in §G(2) of this regulation, CEUs shall be approved by an entity listed in §H(5) of this regulation.
(2) CEUs used for the purpose of renewing a license are subject to random audits by the Board or the Board's designee.
(3) CEUs that are used for the purpose of renewing a license shall be earned within the 2 years immediately preceding the date of the renewal application.
(4) The renewal applicant shall be responsible for:
(a) Ensuring that a CEU course, forum, or meeting has been approved for CEUs by one of the entities listed in §H(5) of this regulation;
(b) Retaining evidence of completed CEUs that are submitted for the purpose of renewing a license for 6 years after the license is renewed; and
(c) Producing evidence of completed CEUs for an audit by the Board or the Board's designee within 30 days of the request.
(5) The Board shall accept CEUs awarded or approved by:
(a) Area Health Education Centers (AHEC), including all local, state, and national centers;
(b) The American Nurses Association (ANA);
(c) The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC);
(d) Professional organizations offering CEUs for the purpose of renewing a national certification for advanced practice registered nursing;
(e) A local, state, or national professional nursing association that provides educational programs;
(f) The Maryland Nurses Association (MNA);
(g) The National Council of State Boards of Nursing; and
(h) The National League for Nursing.
(6) CEUs may not be carried forward into the next renewal period.
I. An individual applying for active licensure renewal who do not meet the requirements of §G of this regulation shall be required to successfully complete a Board-approved refresher program or Board-approved preceptorship program prior to renewal of the license.
J. Tax Deficiencies.
(1) On a monthly basis, the Board shall notify the Office of the Comptroller of any licensee or certificate-holder:
(a) Whose license expires within the next 4-month period; and
(b) Whose identity has not previously been provided to the Office of the Comptroller.
(2) Upon notification by the Office of the Comptroller of any licensee or certificate-holder who is delinquent in the payment of undisputed taxes or unemployment insurance contributions, the Board shall notify the licensee or certificate-holder that renewal processing shall be delayed until the Office of the Comptroller verifies that the licensee or certificate-holder has made arrangements for payment of the undisputed taxes or unemployment insurance contributions that are satisfactory to the unit responsible for collection.
(3) Upon notification by the Office of the Comptroller that the licensee or certificate-holder has made satisfactory arrangements for payment of the undisputed taxes or unemployment insurance contributions, and where the licensee or certificate-holder is otherwise qualified for licensure, the Board shall renew the license or certificate.
K. Along with the renewal notice in accordance with §C of this regulation, the Board shall:
(1) Notify every renewal applicant who is required to have a criminal history records check in the selected birth month; and
(2) Send the renewal applicant instructions for downloading and completing the documents needed to submit to a criminal history records check.
L. If a renewal applicant is out of the state, the Board shall mail a packet to the applicant with the required documents and instructions for completing the documents.
M. Upon notification by the Board that a criminal history records check is required before a license can be renewed, a renewal applicant shall comply with all of the requirements under Regulation .04A of this chapter.
N. Criminal history record checks for renewal applicants shall be scheduled according to the licensee's birth month as follows:
(1) In 2010 - all applicants with a June birth month;
(2) In 2011 - all applicants with a July birth month;
(3) In 2012 - all applicants with an August birth month;
(4) In 2013 - all applicants with a September birth month;
(5) In 2014 - all applicants with an October birth month;
(6) In 2015 - all applicants with a November birth month;
(7) In 2016 - all applicants with a December birth month;
(8) In 2017 - all applicants with a January birth month;
(9) In 2018 - all applicants with a February birth month;
(10) In 2019 - all applicants with a March birth month;
(11) In 2020 - all applicants with an April birth month; and
(12) In 2021 - all applicants with a May birth month.
O. For renewal applicants who are required to submit to a criminal history records check, the Board may not renew a license without written documentation that the applicant has submitted to a criminal history record check in accordance with Health Occupations Article, § 8-303, Annotated Code of Maryland.

Md. Code Regs.

Regulation .13 adopted effective December 11, 1989 (16:24 Md. R. 2620)
Regulation .13 amended as an emergency provision effective January 2, 2007 (34:4 Md. R. 397); amended permanently effective May 7, 2007 (34:9 Md. R. 825)
Regulation .13A amended effective April 24, 2006 (33:8 Md. R. 733); amended and recodified from .12 effective 44:3 Md. R. 189, eff. 2/13/2017; amended effective 45:13 Md. R. 667, eff. 7/2/2018; amended effective 46:12 Md. R. 541, eff. 6/17/2019