A financial institution authorized to do business in this State is in compliance with 9-B M.R.S.A. §241(8), if it meets at least one of the following standards:
The Maine home state loan-to-deposit ratio and the statewide loan-to-deposit ratio for each Maine-only financial institution and each interstate financial institution shall be calculated annually, using data obtained from the June 30 Call Report and the June 30 Maine Interstate Report.
If a financial institution authorized to do business in this State does not meet any of the standards set forth in Section IV(A) of this Regulation, then the Superintendent shall consider the following performance factors. Favorable consideration of these factors may result in a determination that the institution is in compliance with 9-B M.R.S.A. §241(8).
Quarterly, each interstate financial institution shall file with the Bureau a Maine Interstate Report. For each Maine-only financial institution, the information contained in its Call Report shall satisfy the reporting requirements.
If, after a review of the Standards and Performance Factors set forth in Sections IV(A) and IV(B) of this Regulation, the Superintendent determines that a financial institution authorized to do business in this State is not in compliance with 9-B M.R.S.A. §241(8), the Superintendent shall notify the institution in writing of that finding. The institution shall have 60 days from receipt of that notification to submit to the Superintendent a plan describing the means and timetable by which it shall come into compliance with 9-B M.R.S.A. §241(8). Within thirty days of receipt of a financial institution's remedial plan, the Superintendent shall notify the institution in writing of the plan's acceptance, acceptance with conditions, or rejection. The Superintendent may take any enforcement action, including issuing a cease and desist order pursuant to 9-B M.R.S.A., Chapter 23, if the institution does not submit a reasonable plan or fails to adhere to its submitted plan.
02-029 C.M.R. ch. 136, § IV