La. Admin. Code tit. 52 § I-2109
Aggregate Amount or Aggregate Expenditure-the total amount of money spent on behalf of an individual executive branch official on any one occasion or during a six-month reporting period.
Aggregate Total-the total of all expenditures for a reporting period or a calendar year.
Employer-any person which employs an individual for the purpose of lobbying.
Principal-any person who retains the services of a lobbyist to represent its interests on a contractual basis.
Schedule A-part of the promulgated expenditure report form which is used to report the name and agency of an executive branch official and the amount spent on the individual when such information is required by R.S. 49:76E.
Schedule B-part of the promulgated expenditure report form which is used to report the name of the group or groups of persons invited to a function, the date and location of the function and expenditures made in connection with the function when such information is required by R.S. 49:76F.
La. Admin. Code tit. 52, § I-2109