Chapter 21 - Executive Branch Lobbyist Disclosure Act
- Section I-2101 - In General
- Section I-2103 - Registration and Reporting Forms
- Section I-2105 - Registration and Reporting; Dating, Numbering and Filing
- Section I-2107 - Filing Fees
- Section I-2109 - Definitions
- Section I-2111 - Executive Branch Agencies
- Section I-2113 - Registration
- Section I-2114 - Registration; Disclosure
- Section I-2115 - Reporting; In General
- Section I-2117 - Reporting; Additional Disclosure Requirements under R.S. 49:76(E)
- Section I-2119 - Reporting; Additional Disclosure Requirements under R.S. 49:76(F)
- Section I-2121 - Election by Employer or Principal to Report for Lobbyists
- Section I-2123 - Expenditures Made Directly by the Principal or Employer
- Section I-2131 - Executive Lobbying Registration/Renewal
- Section I-2133 - Executive Lobbying Supplemental Registration
- Section I-2135 - Executive Lobbying Expenditure Reporting Designation
- Section I-2137 - Executive Lobbying Expenditure Report
- Section I-2139 - Executive Lobbying Employer/Principal's Expenditure Report