La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § XI-607

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XI-607 - Pairing/Sharing of Schools with Insufficient Test Data [Formerly Section 521]
A. Any school with at least one testing grade (4-11) will receive an SPS based only on its own student data provided that it meets the requirements of LAC 28:XI.605.
B. Any K-3 school will receive an SPS calculated according to the formula in LAC 28:XI.301 using the K-8 assessment index based only on its own student data, provided it meets the requirements of LAC 28:XI.605, or an SPS calculated according to the formula in LAC 28:XI.301 using the K-8 assessment index based only on its own student data and the K-8 progress index equal to the K-8 progress index of the school to which it is paired, whichever results in the higher SPS.
1. For the 2020-2021 school year (2021 SPS) only, K-4 schools shall have the 2019 K-8 progress index results combined with the 2021 K-8 progress index results of the school to which the school is paired if the addition of the progress index results yields a higher SPS.
2. Beginning in 2020-2021, the assessment index for K-2 schools will include the ELPT progress points for the students enrolled at the K-2 school and the LEAP 2025 test data for students who are enrolled at the paired school site.
C. Any K-2 school with insufficient testing data will be awarded an SPS as defined below.
1. The interests and opportunities index will be calculated as defined in Chapter 8 of this Part based on the K-2 school only.
2. All other indices will be equal to the school to which it is paired.
D. Any school enrolling only 12th grade students will be awarded an SPS based on shared data from a school or schools containing grades 9-11 that send it the majority of its students. This sharing relationship is to define the cohort that will provide the starting roster on which its graduation index will be based.
E. Any K-2, 9-12 configuration shall receive an SPS based solely on the 9-12 data.
F. A district must identify the school where each of its non-standard schools shall be paired in order to facilitate the proper sharing of data for reporting purposes, as described above. The paired school must be the one that receives by promotion the largest percentage of students from the non-standard school. In other words, the paired school must be the school into which the largest percentage of students feed. If two schools receive an identical percentage of students from a nonstandard school, or when there is no distinct feeder pattern, the district shall select the paired school.
G. Requirements for the number of test/graduation index units shall be the sum of the units used to calculate the school's SPS (see LAC 28:XI.605).
H. If a school has too few test units to be a "stand-alone" school, it may request to be considered stand-alone.
1. It shall receive an SPS that is calculated solely on that school's data, despite the small number of test units.
2. The request shall be in writing to the LDE from the LEA superintendent.
3. The school forfeits any right to appeal an SPS and status based on minimum test unit counts.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XI-607

Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 29:2741 (December 2003), amended LR 30:1445 (July 2004), LR 32:1023 (June 2006), LR 36:1991 (September 2010), LR 38:3108 (December 2012), LR 39:1422 (June 2013), LR 40:1315 (July 2014), LR 44453 (3/1/2018), Amended LR 441997 (11/1/2018), Amended LR 451450 (10/1/2019), Amended LR 47447 (4/1/2021).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6 and 17:10.1.