Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section XI-605 - Inclusion of Schools [Formerly Section 519]A. All kindergarten through eighth grade schools must have a minimum of 120 testing units, in any combination, of LEAP, ELPT or LEAP connect assessments.B. All ninth through twelfth grade and combination schools must have: 1. a minimum of 120 units in any combination of graduation cohort membership; and2. first through eighth grade and high school LEAP 2025, Connect, ELPT, or ACT assessments.C. Alternative education schools, as defined in §3503 of this Part, shall have a minimum of 40 units as defined in Subsections A and B of this Section.D. Each member of a cohort used to calculate a graduation index will be counted as 4 units when determining the minimum number of units required calculating an SPS.E. Inclusion of Indices 1. A school must have 10 students in the graduation cohort to receive the cohort graduation indices.2. For schools with early graduates, an increasing grade configuration, and without cohort graduation members, ACT assessment scores shall be banked for the calculation of school performance scores until the accountability cycle associated with those early graduates, per cohort graduation policy.F. The number of schools in an LEA with fewer than 120 units is expected to remain stable over time. In the event that the number of schools with fewer than 120 units increases from the prior school year, the local superintendent of that LEA will provide a written justification to the state superintendent of education and BESE. BESE may choose to award a school performance score for any school newly identified with under 120 total units beginning with the 2018-2019 school year (fall 2019 release).La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § XI-605
Promulgated by the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 29:2741 (December 2003), amended LR 31:1512 (July 2005), LR 32:1022 (June 2006), LR 34:431 (March 2008), LR 36:1991 (September 2010), LR 38:3108 (December 2012), LR 40:2507 (December 2014), LR 41:1263 (July 2015), LR 44453 (3/1/2018), Amended LR 45396 (3/1/2019), Amended LR 45749 (6/1/2019), Amended LR 47447 (4/1/2021)AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:6 and 17:10.1.