La. Admin. Code tit. 28 § CXI-2023

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 12, December 20, 2024
Section CXI-2023 - English Language Arts Tests Structure
A. The English Language Arts tests have four sessions or subtests.
1. Writing. The Writing session requires students to produce a composition in response to a prompt. The writing session measures key aspects of English Language Arts Standards 2 and 3.
a. Standard 2. Students write competently for a variety of purposes and audiences.
b. Standard 3. Students communicate using standard English grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and handwriting.
2. Reading and Responding. The Reading and Responding session includes two short reading passages (fiction, nonfiction, no poetry), four multiple-choice and one short-answer item for each passage. Questions in this session measure key aspects of English Language Arts standards 1, 6, and 7.
a. Standard 1. Students read, comprehend, and respond to a range of materials, using a variety of strategies for different purposes.
b. Standard 6. Students read, analyze, and respond to literature as a record of life experiences.
c. Standard 7. Students apply reasoning and problem-solving skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and visually representing.
3. Using Information Resources. The Using Information Resources session requires students to complete a specified task designed to measure standard 5.
a. Standard 5. Students locate, select, and synthesize information from a variety of texts, media, references, and technological sources to acquire and communicate knowledge. Test items appear next to the resource needed to locate each answer. This session includes five multiple-choice items and one short answer item.
4. Proofreading. The Proofreading session requires students to identify mistakes in grammar, usage, and mechanics. The session consists of eight multiple-choice items formatted with a sentence as the stem followed by four answer choices. Questions in this session measure key aspects of English Language Arts standard 3.
a. Standard 3. Students communicate using standard English grammar, usage, sentence structure, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and handwriting.

La. Admin. Code tit. 28, § CXI-2023

Promulgated by the Department of Education, Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, LR 33:275 (February 2007), amended LR 33:2042 (October 2007).
This Section has been moved from §2021
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 17:24.4(A)(1)(2).