Current through January 8, 2025
Section 832 IAC 2-2-3 - Embalming rooms; embalming procedureAuthority: IC 25-15-9-8
Affected: IC 25-15-2-9; IC 25-15-2-17
Sec. 3.
(a) Human remains shall not be in any way prepared for disposition by a licensee except in an approved embalming room. To be approved as an embalming room the same must meet the requirements of these rules and regulations. The room shall be located in a licensed funeral home, a school, college, or department of mortuary science engaging in proper instruction and approved for such instruction by the board, or temporary locations approved by the state board of health of Indiana, a county coroner, or a local board of health of Indiana or officer thereof.(b) Human remains donated to the state anatomical board [Under P.L. 238-1987, SECTION 4, a reference to the state anatomical board is considered a reference to the anatomical education program.] shall be embalmed as required by the state anatomical board [Under P.L. 238-1987, SECTION 4, a reference to the state anatomical board is considered a reference to the anatomical education program.].(c) Those licensees performing the embalming procedure shall be required to utilize protective devices, such as gloves, outer protective gowns, etc., and such other means to adequately protect the licensee.(d) A licensee must dispose of human remains in accordance with directives of the Indiana state board of health and local health officials.(e) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to require embalming if the next-of-kin does not authorize embalming. State Board of Funeral and Cemetery Service; 832 IAC 2-2-3; filed Jan 30, 1986, 2:23 pm: 9 IR 1368; filed Mar 13, 1987, 8:30 am: 10 IR 1701; readopted filed May 10, 2001, 2:39 p.m.: 24 IR 3236; readopted filed Jul 19, 2007, 12:52 p.m.: 20070808-IR-832070048RFA; readopted filed November 25, 2013, 9:23 a.m.: 20131225-IR-832130288RFAReadopted filed 11/27/2019, 3:13 p.m.: 20191225-IR-832190184RFA