Section 75 IAC 3-1-6 - Record keeping requirements for salvaging businessesAuthority: IC 9-32-3-1
Affected: IC 9-22; IC 9-32
Sec. 6.
(a) The secretary shall prescribe the format and the forms that must be used by an automotive salvage recycler to carry on the activities as outlined in IC 9-32-9-15, IC 9-32-9-16, IC 9-32-9-29, and IC 9-32-9. As detailed in subsection (b), each automotive salvage recycler shall record the purchase and sale of salvage vehicles and major component parts that are in either their current model year or in the immediately preceding six (6) model years when purchased by an automotive salvage recycler.(b) In addition to the record keeping requirements in IC 9-22, records must be maintained by the automotive salvage recycler as follows:(1) The following information shall be recorded on a form prescribed by the secretary for all salvage vehicles purchased or sold:(A) The stock number and serial number.(B) The title number or other ownership document and the issuing authority.(C) The name and address of the person to whom the salvage vehicle was sold or otherwise disposed of.(D) The invoice number, if applicable, evidencing the purchase or acquisition of the salvage vehicle.(E) The invoice number, if applicable, evidencing the sale or disposal of the salvage vehicle.(F) Such other information as the secretary may require.(2) The following information shall be recorded on a form prescribed by the secretary for all major component parts purchased or sold: (A) The following for major component parts removed from acquired vehicles:(i) The vehicle description and identification, including the V.I.N., serial number, stock number, or other reference number, if that information was requested to be included on the bill of sale or invoice by the purchaser as provided in section 5(b) of this rule.(ii) The description and identification of the source vehicle of the major component part as contained in the records created pursuant to subdivision (1), if that information was requested to be included on the bill of sale or invoice by the purchaser as provided in section 5(b) of this rule.(iii) The name and address of the person to whom the major component part was sold.(iv) The date and invoice number, if applicable, evidencing the sale of the major component part.(v) Such other information as the secretary may require.(B) For major component parts acquired from other than a salvage vehicle owned by the automotive salvage recycler, the following information must also be recorded and maintained:(i) The name and address of the person or business from whom the major component part was acquired.(ii) The date and invoice number, if applicable, evidencing the purchase or acquisition of the major component part.Secretary of State; 75 IAC 3-1-6; filed Apr 28, 1981, 9:35 a.m.: 4 IR 905; errata filed Aug 10, 1992, 3:00 p.m.: 15 IR 2594; readopted filed Oct 17, 2001, 4:20 p.m.: 25 IR 911; readopted filed Nov 14, 2007, 1:31 p.m.: 20071212-IR-140070562RFA; readopted filed Nov 13, 2013, 3:25 p.m.: 20131211-IR-075130451RFAFiled 12/14/2017, 1:11 p.m.: 20180110-IR-075160433FRAReadopted filed 11/30/2023, 11:48 a.m.: 20231227-IR-075230626RFA Transferred from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles (140 IAC 3-3-6) to the Secretary of State (75 IAC 3-1-6) by P.L. 106-2008, SECTION 54, effective July 1, 2008.