Current through January 8, 2025
Section 312 IAC 25-6-12.5 - Hydrologic balance; application of ground water quality standards at surface coal mining and reclamation operations permitted under IC 14-34 on which coal extraction, including augering, coal processing, coal processing waste disposal, or spoil deposition, occurs after the effective date of this section, or on which disposal activity subject to IC 13-19-3-3 has occurred and the area is not fully released from the performance bond required by IC 14-34-6Authority: IC 14-34-2-1
Affected: IC 14-34
Sec. 12.5.
(a) Ground water is classified under 327 IAC 2-11 to determine appropriate criteria that shall be applied to ground water.(b) Surface coal mining and reclamation operations must be planned and conducted to prevent violations of ground water quality standards under 327 IAC 2-11.(c) Surface coal mining and reclamation operations must be planned and conducted to prevent impacts to the ground water in a drinking water well or a nondrinking water supply well, including an industrial, commercial, or agricultural supply well, that result in a contaminant concentration that, based on best scientific information, renders the well unusable for its current use. If a drinking water well or a nondrinking water supply well is affected by contamination, diminution, or interruption proximately resulting from surface mining activities, 312 IAC 25-4-33 and 312 IAC 25-6-25 govern water replacement.(d) The ground water management zone described in 327 IAC 2-11-9 must be established as follows: (1) At each drinking water well that is within three hundred (300) feet from the edge of any of the following: (A) A coal extraction area.(B) A coal mine processing waste disposal site if not within a coal extraction area.(C) An area where coal is extracted by auger mining methods.(D) A location at which coal is crushed, washed, screened, stored, and loaded at or near the mine site unless the location is within the coal extraction area.(E) A spoil deposition area.(2) Within three hundred (300) feet from the edge of an area or site described in subdivision (1) where there is no drinking water well that is within three hundred (300) feet from the edge of an area or site described in subdivision (1). If the property boundary or permit boundary is located within three hundred (300) feet from the edge of an area or site described in subdivision (1), the director shall require that a monitoring well be placed at a location approved by the director between the property boundary or permit boundary and the edge of an area or site described in subdivision (1). If a standard listed in 327 IAC 2-11 is exceeded at a monitoring well described in subdivision (2) that the director determines was caused by an activity under subdivision (1), the permittee must submit to the director a plan describing, in detail, the steps to be taken to prevent material damage to the hydrologic balance beyond the permit boundary and a timetable for implementation. This plan must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the discovery of an exceedance and include information relative to access, additional monitoring, and any measures to be taken to minimize changes to the prevailing hydrologic balance and to prevent material damage to the hydrologic balance beyond the permit boundary.(3) If a drinking water well is located within three hundred (300) feet of an area or site described in subdivision (1) and it is determined that there is a substantial likelihood of impact, the director may require that a monitoring well be placed at a location approved by the director between the drinking water well and the edge of an area or site described in subdivision (1). If a standard listed in 327 IAC 2-11 is exceeded at a monitoring well described in subdivision (3) that the director determines was caused by an activity under subdivision (1), the permittee shall submit to the director a plan describing, in detail, the steps to be taken and a timetable for taking the action that takes into account site-specific conditions to provide protection for the drinking water well. This plan must be submitted within thirty (30) days of the discovery of an exceedance and include information relative to access, additional monitoring, and any measures to be taken to minimize changes to the prevailing hydrologic balance and to prevent material damage to the hydrologic balance beyond the permit boundary.(e) The criteria established in subsection (a) must be met at and beyond the boundary of the ground water management zone. Natural Resources Commission; 312 IAC 25-6-12.5; filed Jul 29, 2003, 3:45 p.m.: 26 IR 3864, eff Feb 1, 2004; readopted filed May 29, 2007, 9:51 a.m.: 20070613-IR-312070146RFA; readopted filed Sep 19, 2013, 10:12 a.m.: 20131016-IR-312130125RFAReadopted filed 3/26/2019, 3:40 p.m.: 20190424-IR-312190011RFA