Authority: IC 14-34-2-1
Affected: IC 14-34
Sec. 120.
Where: NRCS Target = The average yield per acre, as Yield predicted by the Natural Resources Conservation Service, for the crop and the soil map units being evaluated. The most current yield information at the time of permit issuance shall be used and shall be contained in the appropriate sections of the permit application.
CCA = The county average for the crop for the year being evaluated as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture crop reporting service, the Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service.
10 Year CA = The 10 year Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service county average, consisting of the year being evaluated and the 9 preceding years.
Where: CCA = The county average for the crop for the year being evaluated as reported by the United States Department of Agriculture crop reporting service, the Indiana Agricultural Statistics Service.
NRCSP = The weighted average of the current Natural Resources Conservation Service predicted yield for each croppable, unmined soil that existed on the permit area at the time the permit was issued.
NRCSC = The weighted average of the current Natural Resources Conservation Service predicted yield for each croppable, unmined soil that is shown to exist in the county on the most current county soil survey.
A croppable soil is any soil that the Natural Resources Conservation Service has defined as being in capability Class I, II, III, or IV.
312 IAC 25-6-120