250 Ind. Admin. Code 2-2-4

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 250 IAC 2-2-4 - Passing score; failure as grounds for discharge; reexaminations

Authority: IC 5-2-1-9

Affected: IC 5-2-1-9

Sec. 4.

The executive director of the board shall establish and apply uniformly to all persons attending board approved basic training schools a minimum passing score of seventy-five percent (75%) on all written examinations and a passing score on all practical examinations administered on a percentage or pass/fail basis. Failure to attain a passing score on all written and practical examinations administered during the basic training course shall constitute a failure of the course. A person failing to achieve a passing score may apply to the executive director, or their designee, to retake any examination or examinations previously failed, but a request for a retake of an examination by a person already employed as a law enforcement officer will not be accepted unless endorsed by the chief executive officer of the department or agency employing the officer. Failure to achieve a passing score for the second time shall constitute disqualification unless, in the discretion of the board, a third and final opportunity is given for the current session of the basic training course. Failure to achieve a passing score on the third examination will not prevent enrollment in a subsequent full basic training course.

250 IAC 2-2-4

Law Enforcement Training Board; 250 IAC 2-2-4; filed Dec 23, 2003, 3:00 p.m.: 27 IR 1554; readopted filed Nov 30, 2010, 11:14 a.m.: 20101229-IR-250100663RFA
Readopted filed 1/11/2017, 3:25 p.m.: 20170208-IR-250160381RFA
Readopted filed 10/17/2023, 3:05 p.m.: 20231115-IR-250230533RFA
Filed 2/6/2024, 9:08 a.m.: 20240306-IR-250230731FRA