Current through January 8, 2025
Section 170 IAC 1-5-15 - Working papers; cost of service study; determination of revenue requirements by customer classAuthority: IC 8-1-1-3
Affected: IC 5-14-3-4; IC 8-1-2-29; IC 8-1-2-61.5
Sec. 15.
(a) An electing utility shall submit a jurisdictional separation study, if applicable, and a class cost of service study to the commission, OUCC, and any party to the proceeding.(b) For an electing utility, the class cost of service study shall include the following information: (1) Allocation of rate base by rate class.(2) Pro forma sales revenues at present rates by rate class.(3) Allocation of other operating revenues (or miscellaneous revenue or other income) by rate class.(4) Allocation of pro forma operating expenses by:(A) category or function; and(5) Rate of return by rate class at present rates.(6) Revenues at equal rates of return by rate class at present rates.(7) Subsidy or excess at present rates by rate class.(8) Revenues at equal rates of return by rate class at proposed rates.(9) The proposed dollar and percent subsidy or excess reduction by rate class.(10) Revenues at proposed rates by rate class.(c) For an electing utility that is a water utility, the class cost of service study shall follow the guidelines established in the American Water Works Association Manual, Fifth Edition.(d) The requirements of this section shall not apply to: (1) an electing utility that is described in IC 8-1-2-61.5; or(2) any electing utility that is seeking an equal percentage change to its basic rates and charges for all customer classes.(e) Information submitted under this section shall: (1) be provided to the commission electronically or through any other medium agreed to by the commission; and(2) include all formulas used in completing the jurisdictional study and the class cost of service study, which shall be confidential and protected from disclosure to the public under IC 5-14-3-4 and IC 8-1-2-29.(f) If impossible or impractical for an electing utility to provide information in the form described in subsection (e), the electing utility shall make available to the commission during normal business hours, on the electing utility's premises, a computer and all software used to create and store the information.(g) The electing utility shall provide the information submitted to the commission under this section, in the form described in subsection (e), to any other party to the proceeding if the other party and the electing utility enter into a mutually acceptable confidentiality agreement covering the information.(h) If any party receiving information under subsection (g) wishes to propose data and methodologies for use in the electing utility's jurisdictional separation study or cost of service study, the party shall provide the information to the following: (1) The commission in the form described in subsection (e).(2) Any other party to the proceeding that enters into a mutually acceptable confidentiality agreement covering the information among the following: (B) The electing utility.(C) The recipient of the information.Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission; 170 IAC 1-5-15; filed Oct 28, 1998, 3:38 p.m.: 22 IR 728; errata filed Nov 22, 1999, 3:32 p.m.: 23 IR 812; readopted filed Nov 23, 2004, 2:30 p.m.: 28 IR 1315; filed Jul 31, 2009, 8:28 a.m.: 20090826-IR-170080670FRAReadopted filed 6/9/2015, 3:18 p.m.: 20150708-IR-170150103RFAReadopted filed 10/7/2021, 1:05 p.m.: 20211103-IR-170210349RFA