Rule 170 IAC 1-5 - Minimum Standard Filing Requirements for an Expedited Rate Case
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-1 - Definitions
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-2 - Purpose and applicability
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-2.1 - Time frame and procedural schedule
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-3 - Confidential or privileged information
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-4 - Filing and responses; waiver
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-5 - Accounting methodology and guidelines for cutoffs
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-6 - Filing of case-in-chief
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-7 - Working papers and data; general information
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-8 - Working papers and data; revenues, expenses, and taxes
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-9 - Working papers and data; rate base and general information
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-10 - Working papers and data; rate base, utility plant in service
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-11 - Working papers and data; rate base, depreciation
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-12 - Working papers and data; rate base, working capital
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-13 - Working papers and data; rate of return and capital structure
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-14 - Working papers and data; other
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-15 - Working papers; cost of service study; determination of revenue requirements by customer class
- Section 170 IAC 1-5-16 - Working papers; written testimony; rate design and tariff filing requirements