Idaho Admin. Code r.

Current through September 2, 2024

Any pass involving an overnight stay away from the program or residence, or involving special circumstances such as a sexual abuse victim in the home, requires a written plan detailing supervision and safety measures to be taken, an itinerary for the visit, transportation plan, and must be approved in writing five (5) business days in advance by the juvenile services coordinator. Each time a juvenile offender leaves on and returns from an overnight community pass, the Provider must notify the juvenile correctional center in Nampa of this movement, promptly at the time that the juvenile offender leaves and at the time he returns.

01.Potential Risk to Public Safety. If the pass is to the home of a parent or guardian, reintegration Providers must provide parents or guardians with clearly written guidelines for approved passes, which must be signed by parents or guardians indicating their understanding and willingness to comply with those guidelines. The Department's pass form may be used for this purpose. If the Department's form is not used, the form signed and agreed to by the individual assuming responsibility for supervision must contain at least the following information:
a. The juvenile offender's name and date of birth;
b. The name, address, and telephone number of the individual assuming responsibility;
c. Authorized days, dates, and times for the pass, including the specific date and time of departure and of return;
d. A complete listing of the anticipated locations and activities in which the juvenile offender is expected to be involved;
e. Specific plans for supervision and telephone checks to verify compliance with the pass conditions;
f. A complete listing of the activities required during the pass;
g. Specific stipulations prohibiting:
i. The use of alcohol and drugs;
ii. Involvement in any illegal activity, or association with others who may be or have been involved in illegal behavior;
iii. Participation in sexual relations of any kind;
iv. Possession of any kind of firearm or weapon;
v. Any violation of the terms of probation; and
h. Specific stipulations about search and drug testing upon return, and the possible consequences for violation of any of the terms of the pass agreement.
02.Frequency. Frequency of passes must be consistent with the terms of the juvenile offender's reintegration plan and reintegration Provider's contract with the Department.
03.Documentation. Documentation of the exact date and time of the juvenile offender's departure from the program for a pass, and his return, must be maintained along with complete information about the individual assuming physical custody, transportation, and supervision during the pass.

Idaho Admin. Code r.

Effective March 31, 2022