Each juvenile offender's progress or lack of progress must be clearly documented and be related to documented behavior. Recommendations for release from Department custody or transfer should be substantiated by a documented pattern of behavioral change over a period of time. Recommendations for transfer to a higher level of custody must be substantiated by a documented lack of progress over time, or by a serious or violent incident, which threatens the safety of others or the stability of the overall program.
01.Service Implementation Plan. Within ten (10) business days of the juvenile offender's admission into the program, a written service implementation plan must be developed. The service implementation plan must address the specific goals identified in the most recent progress report and reintegration plan from the sending facility or program. The service implementation plan must address the needs and areas in the reintegration plan.02.Juvenile Offender and Family Involvement. Each juvenile offender and, to the fullest extent possible, the family, should be involved in developing the service implementation plan and in adjusting that plan throughout the course of commitment.03.Service Implementation Plan Adjustments. The service implementation plan should be adjusted throughout placement with the concurrence of the juvenile services coordinator following communication with the community treatment team. Specifically, the service implementation plan should be adjusted as new needs are identified, as goals are achieved, and as plans for reintegration are finalized.04.Participation in Staffings. The Provider must participate in staffings with Department staff to discuss the juvenile offender's service implementation plan development and progress in treatment.05.Participation in the Progress Assessment/Reclassification. The Provider may be asked by the juvenile services coordinator to provide input necessary for periodic reassessments of the juvenile offender's progress and current risk level. In all cases, the Provider must participate to the fullest extent possible.06.Progress Report. A written progress report must be submitted to the juvenile services coordinator and any designees at least every month, and include current bank statements and reconciled monthly budget. The progress report should focus on areas of positive change in behavior and attitudes, as well as on the factors required for a successful program completion (progress in community protection, competency development, and accountability). Each progress report should also note any changes or further development of the service implementation plan and should detail the level of involvement of the parent or guardian in the juvenile's treatment.07.Relapse Prevention Plan. The Provider will receive a working copy of the juvenile offender's relapse prevention plan from the Department. The Provider must work with the juvenile to continue developing the relapse prevention plan provided, as the juvenile experiences increased exposure to the community. The Provider must send the final relapse prevention plan to the juvenile services coordinator and any designees prior to the juvenile offender's release from Department custody.08.Final Progress Report. A final progress report must be submitted to the juvenile services coordinator and any designees no earlier than fourteen (14) calendar days and no later than ten (10) calendar days prior to the juvenile offender's anticipated completion of the program. This report must include: a. A current summary of the juvenile offender's progress;b. A summary of the efforts to reach the juvenile offender's goals and objectives, including education;c. Any unresolved goals or objectives;d. Recommendation for continuing services, including education, in the home community; ande. The current address of the juvenile.09.Report Distribution. Copies of the service implementation plan, progress reports, relapse prevention plan, and final progress report must be distributed by the Provider to the juvenile offender and the juvenile services coordinator and any designees. The juvenile services coordinator will review and forward the progress report to the juvenile probation officer, appropriate court, and parent or guardian, unless the juvenile offender's family has been excluded from treatment by the juvenile services coordinator and the respective clinical supervisor for a well-documented reason.Idaho Admin. Code r.