Haw. Code R. § 7-9-20
"In that _____________________ did, (at) (on board) _____________________, on or about _____________________ 19__, wrongfully and unlawfully endeavor to [impede (a trial by court-martial) (an investi-gation) (_____________________)] [influence the actions of (a member of the court-martial) (the military judge of the court-martial) (a trial counsel of the court-martial) (a defense counsel of the court-martial) (an officer responsible for making a recommendation concerning disposition of charges) (an officer responsible for taking action with respect to the findings and sentence of the court-martial) (_____________________)] [(influence) (alter) the testimony, _____________________ of a witness before (a court-martial) (an investigating officer) (_____________________)] in the case of said _____________________ by [(promising) (offering) (giving) to the said _____________________, a threat to _____________________ (if) (unless) he, the said _____________________ would [(vote to acquit the said _____________________ (_____________________) (recommend dismissal of the charges against the said _____________________) (disapprove the findings and sentence in the case of _____________________ and order the charges dismissed)] [(wrongfully refuse to testify) (testify falsely concerning _____________________) (_____________________)] [(at such trial) (before such investigating officer)] [_____________________]."
Haw. Code R. § 7-9-20