Haw. Code R. § 7-9-19
"In that _____________________ did, (at) (on board) _____________________, on or about _____________________ 19__, while (at a barracks window) (_____________________) willfully and wrongfully expose in an indecent manner to public view his/her _____________________."
"Indecent" means'a form of exhibition of a person's private parts which instinctive modesty, human decency, or common propriety require should be customarily kept covered in the presence of others at that particular time and place. An exposure becomes "indecent" when it occurs at a time and place that a person reasonably knows or should know the person's act will be open to the observation of another or others;
"Willfully" means an intentional exposure to public view. The exposure must be done with the intent to be observed by one or more members of the public.
Haw. Code R. § 7-9-19