Section 25-17.250 - Standard Offer Contracts(1) Standard Offer Contract. In addition to the requirements contained in Rules 25-17.082 through 25-17.091, F.A.C., each investor owned utility shall, by April 1 of each year, file with the Commission a standard offer contract or contracts for the purchase of firm capacity and energy from renewable generating facilities and small qualifying facilities with a design capacity of 100 kW or less. A separate standard offer contract shall be based on the next avoidable fossil fueled generating unit of each technology type identified in the utility's Ten-Year Site Plan filed pursuant to Rule 25-22.071, F.A.C. Each standard offer contract based on each of the utility's avoidable units shall be consistent with the requirements of subsections 25-17.0832(4), (5) and (6), F.A.C., except as modified by this rule. Each investor-owned utility with no planned generating unit identified in its Ten-Year Site Plan shall submit a standard offer based on avoiding or deferring a planned purchase.(2) Continuous Offers. (a) In order to ensure that each utility continuously offers a purchase contract to producers of renewable energy, each standard offer contract shall remain open until: 1. A request for proposals (RFP) pursuant to Rule 25-22.082, F.A.C., is issued for the utility's planned generating unit; or2. The utility files a petition for a need determination or commences construction for generating units not subject to Rule 25-22.082, F.A.C.3. The generating unit upon which the standard offer contract was based is no longer part of the utility's generation plan, as evidenced by a petition to that effect filed with the Commission or by the utility's most recent Ten-Year Site Plan.(b) Before a standard contract offering is closed, the utility shall file a petition for approval of a new standard offer contract based on the next unit of the same generating technology, if any, in its Ten-Year Site Plan. If no generating unit of the same technology is in the utility's Ten-Year Site Plan, the utility shall notify the Director of the Division of Engineering prior to closing a standard offer.(3) Term. At the election of the renewable generating facility, the term of each standard offer contract shall be for a minimum of 10 years from the in-service date of the avoided unit up to a maximum of the life of the avoided unit.(4) Capacity Payment Options. In addition to the capacity payment options contained in paragraph 25-17.0832(4)(g), F.A.C., and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 25-17.0832(3)(a) through (d), F.A.C., a renewable generating facility may elect a payment stream for the capital component of the utility's avoided unit, including front-end loaded capacity payments, that best meets the financing requirements of the renewable generating facility. Early capacity payments consisting of the capital component of the avoided unit may, at the election of the renewable generating facility, commence any time after the actual in-service date of the renewable generating facility and before the anticipated in-service date of the utility's avoided unit. Regardless of the payment stream elected by the renewable generating facility, the cumulative present value of capital cost payments made to the renewable generating facility over the term of the contract shall not exceed the cumulative present value of the capital cost payments which would have been made to the renewable generating facility had such payments been made pursuant to subparagraph 25-17.0832(4)(g) 1., F.A.C. Fixed operation and maintenance expense shall be calculated in conformance with subsection 25-17.0832(6), F.A.C.(5) Content. Unless otherwise modified by these rules, the contents of each standard offer contract shall be in accordance with subsection 25-17.0832(4), F.A.C.(6) Fixed Energy Payments. In order to facilitate third-party financing of renewable generating facilities and provide fuel price stability to electric ratepayers, upon request by a renewable generating facility, each investor-owned utility shall provide for the following fixed energy payment options: (a) As-available energy payments. As-available energy payments made prior to the in-service date of the avoided unit shall be based on the utility's year-by-year projection of system incremental fuel costs, prior to hourly economy energy sales to other utilities, based on normal weather and fuel market conditions plus a fuel market volatility risk premium mutually agreed upon by the utility and the renewable generating facility.(b) Firm energy payments. Subsequent to the determination of full avoided cost and subject to the provisions of paragraphs 25-17.0832(3)(a) through (d), F.A.C., a portion of the base energy costs associated with the avoided unit, mutually agreed upon by the utility and renewable energy generator, shall be fixed and amortized on a present value basis over the term of the contract starting, at the election of the renewable generating facility, as early as the in-service date of the renewable generating facility. "Base energy costs associated with the avoided unit" means the energy costs of the avoided unit to the extent the unit would have been operated.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 25-17.250
Rulemaking Authority 350.127(2), 366.05(1) FS. Law Implemented 366.051, 366.81, 366.91, 366.92 FS.