Section 25-17.240 - Negotiated Contracts(1) Investor-owned utilities and renewable generating facilities are encouraged to negotiate contracts for the purchase of firm capacity and energy to avoid or defer construction of planned utility generating units and provide fuel diversity, fuel price stability, and energy security.(2) Negotiated contracts will be considered prudent for cost recovery purposes if it is demonstrated by the investor-owned utility that the purchase of firm capacity and energy from the renewable generating facility pursuant to the rates, terms, and other conditions of the contract can reasonably be expected to contribute towards the deferral or avoidance of additional capacity construction or other capacity-related costs by the purchasing utility and provide fuel diversity, fuel price stability, and energy security at a cost to the utility's ratepayers which does not exceed full avoided costs, giving consideration to the characteristics of the capacity and energy to be delivered by the renewable generating facility under the contract.Fla. Admin. Code Ann. R. 25-17.240
Rulemaking Authority 350.127(2), 366.05(1) FS. Law Implemented 366.051, 366.81, 366.91, 366.92 FS.