D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-C208
A career ladder is a permanent appointment with a sequential series of positions and grades, in the same line of work, with duties that increase in difficulty from the entrance level to the grade level classified as full performance.
Career ladders shall be approved by OAG. The full-performance level of a career ladder shall be no higher than grade 13 for professional, scientific, and licensed professional positions, and no higher than grade 12 for all other positions.
An OAG may promote an employee within his or her career ladder non- competitively up to the full-performance level of the position.
Promotions within a career ladder are not guaranteed. For an employee to be eligible for promotion within a career ladder:
If OAG has a limited number of career ladder promotions available OAG may promote employees on the career ladder based on seniority, merit, any other reasonable factor as may be specified in internal Office Orders.
D.C. Mun. Regs. tit. 6, r. 6-C208