Shellfish Categories II & III
Satisfactory Shipping Conditions
Analyze two (2) random samples of shellstock or shucked product for F.C. and A.P.C.
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory F.C. Unsatisfactory A.P.C.
NAI* (If one or both If one or both
samples exceed an samples exceed a
MPN of 230) count of 500,000/g)
Analyze for E. coli Notify shipper State.
(APHA method).
* no action indicated Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
**state shellfish (If one or both samples exceed
regulatory agency NAI* an MPN of 230)
1. Notify dealer, shipper, and shipper state
2. Receiving dealer must notify the SSRA**
of next shipment from same shipper
3. SSRA samples next shipment
Second shipment from same shipper
Determine conditions of shipment
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
(Analyze five (5) random shellstock (Go to PAGE APA-7 for shucked samples for F.C. and A.P.C.) further guidance)
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory F.C. Unsatisfactory A.P.C.
NAI* (If any sample exceeds (If any sample exceeds
an MPN of 330 or 2 or 1,5000,000/g or 3 or
more out of 5 exceed more out of 5 exceed
230 but are less than 500,000g but are less
or equal to an MPN of than or equal to 330) 1,5000,000/g)
Analyze for E. coli Shipper state should be
notified for investigative and
corrective action
Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
NAI* (If any sample exceeds an MPN
of 330 or 2 or more out of 5
exceed 230 but are less than or
equal to 330)
Del. Admin. Code tit. 7, 5000, 7400, 7402, app 7