Number of Pollution Incoming Final Product
Harvest Areas Variability Shellfish
Single Low Periodic Single Samples
Area Single Each Process
Samples Lot
Single High One Sample Duplicate Samples
Area from Each Each Harvest Lot
Harvest in Each Process
Lot Batch
Multiple Variable Periodic At Least One
Area Single, Duplicate Sample
Sample From Each Harvest
Each Each Week
Area Each Process Batch.
Single Samples of
Each Batch, Other
Times, Same Week
Samples of unprocessed shellfish and partially processed shellfish may be taken midway through the depuration cycle and analyzed for the end-point indicator. Such sample results may be used to predict whether the shellfish are acceptable for release. This approach can be used if an appropriate statistical analysis, performed or approved by DNREC, of the samples collected during the process verification study and other historical sample results demonstrates that this is a viable means of determining that the shellfish have been adequately depurated. Each process batch may be released for market only if the end-point fecal coliform criteria indicated in Appendix 6 are met at 24 or 48 hours.
Del. Admin. Code tit. 7, 5000, 7400, 7402, app 5