Section 12-574-A49 - Entries, subscriptions, declarations and acceptances for races(a)Stewards ruling accepted. Every person subscribing to a sweepstake or entering a horse in a race to be run under this section accepts the decision of the stewards or the decision of the commission, as the case may be, on any question relating to a race or to racing.(b)Entries may be cancelled, revoked. The nominations or entries of any person or the transfer of any nomination or entry may be cancelled or revoked without notice by the racing association or in the discretion of the commission or of the stewards.(c)Horse must be entered. A horse is not qualified to run in any race unless he is duly entered for that race.(d)Disqualification, ownership. No horse is qualified to be entered or run which is wholly or partly the property of or leased to or from, or in any way under the care or superintendence of, a disqualified person. Disqualification of a husband or wife from racing horses applies equally to both.(e)Disqualification, improper practice. Any horse which has been the subject of improper practice may be disqualified for such time and for such races as the stewards shall determine.(f)Procedure for making entries. Entries and declarations shall be made in writing signed by the owner of the horse or of the engagement or by his authorized agent; and in order to secure privacy all entries to overnight races must be made at a specially designated booth.(g)Entries made by telegraph, telephone. Entries and declarations by telegraph or by telephone, if the telephone conversation is recorded, are binding if promptly confirmed in writing.(h)Entrance money not returned. Entrance money is not returned on the death of a horse nor on his failure to start, whatever be the cause of the failure.(i)Entries to be posted. Entries to all races, excepting those races which are opened and decided during the meeting, shall be posted on the bulletin boards at the track where meeting is being held.(j)Limitations on entries.(1) A horse of a partnership cannot be entered or run in the name, whether real or stable, of an individual partner unless that individual's interest or property in the racing qualities of that horse is equal to at least twenty-five (25) percent.(2) All horses owned wholly or in part by the same person or the spouse of any such person or trained by the same trainer must be coupled and run as an entry.(3) Not more than two horses trained by the same person shall be drawn into any overnight race, or on the also-eligible list, to the exclusion of another horse.(4) For the purposes of rule (j) (2) of this section, a horse shall be deemed owned wholly or in part by a particular person or owned by a particular person if that person holds the entire property interest in the horse or if, by lease or ownership, he controls the racing qualities of the horse or if he holds a proportionate interest of twenty-five (25) percent or more in a partnership which either holds the property interest in the horse or, by lease or ownership controls the racing qualities of the horse.(k)Maidens over five years old. Maidens five (5) years old or older shall not be entered to race.(l)Restrictions on ownership by trainer. No licensed trainer shall have any interest, either by ownership of the horse or by lease of its racing qualities, in a horse of which he is not the trainer and which may be racing at the same racetrack where the trainer is licensed and currently racing.(m)Name in which horse is run. The name in which any horse is run must be the real or the stable name of the individual owner or the name of the partnership owner (being its stable name or the name of the individual in whose name the horse is run) of the entire interest in the horse.(n)Closing time, overnight races. The list of entries for overnight races shall be closed at the advertised time and no entry shall be admitted after that time, except that, in case of an emergency, the racing secretary may, with the consent of a steward, grant an extension of time.(o)Delayed entries. The list of entries for all other races shall be closed at the advertised time and no entry shall be admitted after that time unless the nominator can prove to the stewards that the entry was mailed before the advertised time of closing; and starters must be named through the entry box by the usual time of closing on the day preceding the race.(p)Information required for entry. Except as provided in rule (q) of this section, entries shall be in the name of one person or a stable name and shall state the name, or the stable name, of the owner, the name or description of the horse if unnamed, and if the race be for horses of different ages, the age of the horse entered.(q)Name of entry. Entries may be made in the name of a corporation or a partnership, but no horse may race in such a name and in order to remain eligible, such entries must be transferred to an individual or a stable name on or before January 1 of the horse's two-year-old year.(r)Information for initial entry. (1) In entering a horse for the first time, it shall be identified by stating its name (if it has any), its color and sex and the name or description of its sire and dam as recorded in the stud book. If the dam was covered by more than one stallion, the names or description of all must be stated.(2) Except as provided in subdivision (4) of this rule, this description must be repeated in every entry until a description of the horse with his name has been published in the racing calendar or in the program or the list of entries of an association, or in such other publication as the commission may designate.(3) In every entry after such publication, his name and age will be sufficient.(4) If a horse be entered with a name for the first time, in several races for the same meeting, closing at the same place on the same day, the description need not be added in more than one of the entries.(s)Change of name. Upon any change of name of a horse which has run in any country, his old name as well as his new name must be given in every entry until he has run three (3) times under his new name over the course of an association.(t)Closing time, entries, declarations. Except in overnight races, if the hour for closing of entries or for declarations be not stated, it is understood to be midnight of the day specified.(u)Where entries made. In the absence of notice to the contrary, entries due on the eve of and during a meeting, are due at the office of the racing secretary where the race is to be run.(v)Subscription defined. An entry of a horse in a sweepstakes is a subscription to the sweepstakes. An entry or subscription may, before the time of closing, be altered or withdrawn.(w)Transfer of subscription. A person who subscribes to a sweepstakes may, before the time fixed for naming, transfer his subscription.(x)Death of owner of subscription. Subscriptions and all entries or rights of entry under them shall not become void on the death of the person in whose name they were made or taken. All rights, privileges and obligations shall attach to the continuing owners including the legal representatives of the decedent.(y)Striking out of engagement. No person shall be considered as struck out of any of his engagements until the owner or his authorized agent shall have given notice, in writing or by telegram, promptly confirmed in writing, to the racing secretary where the horse is engaged.(z)Striking out is irrevocable. The striking of a horse out of an engagement is irrevocable.(aa)Proof to transfer with engagements. Whenever the ownership of a horse is transferred in any manner, all racing engagements of the said horse shall automatically accompany the transfer.(bb)Restrictions on acceptance of nominations. No nominations shall be accepted for a sweepstakes or other race from any person whose license has been revoked and who has not been subsequently licensed by the commission; nor during the period of suspension from any person whose license has been suspended; nor from any person who is otherwise disqualified.(cc)Connecticut bred horses. To be eligible to start in races exclusively for horses foaled in Connecticut, each horse must be registered with the thoroughbred breeders' association of Connecticut. To qualify for such registration, the said horse must have been dropped by a mare in the state of Connecticut. A horse is bred where it is foaled. The breeder is the owner of the dam at the time of foaling. The thoroughbred breeders' association of Connecticut shall make rules for the registration of horses foaled in Connecticut. Said rules shall be approved by the commission on special revenue. Any owner or breeder may appeal from the refusal of the thoroughbred breeders' association of Connecticut to register a horse under this rule to the commission on special revenue, and the decision of the commission shall be final.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-A49