Section 12-574-A48 - Scale of weights(a)Scale of weights for age. The following weights are carried when they are not stated in the conditions of the race: Click here to view image.
(b)Races of intermediate distance. In races of intermediate distances, the weights for the shorter distance are carried.(c)Races for two, three and four-year-olds. In races exclusively for three-year-olds or four-year-olds, the weight is 126 pounds, and in races exclusively for two-year-olds, it is 122 pounds.(d)Weights for fillies, mares. In all races except handicaps and races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, the scale of weights is less by the following: for fillies two years old, three pounds; for mares three years old and upwards, five pounds before September 1 and three pounds thereafter.(e)Overnight races except handicaps. In all overnight races, except handicaps not more than six pounds may be deducted from the scale of weights for age, except for allowances.(f)Top weight for handicaps. In all handicaps which close more than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the race, the top weight shall not be less than 126 pounds, except that in handicaps for fillies and mares, the top weight shall not be less than 126 pounds less the sex allowance at the time the race is run; and scale weights for fillies and mares or three-year olds may be used for open handicaps as a minimum top weight in place of 126 pounds.(g)Top weight for overnight, claiming handicaps. In all overnight handicaps and in all claiming handicaps, the top weight shall not be less than 122 pounds.(h)Minimum weight for overnight races; exceptions. In all overnight races for two-year-olds, for three-year-olds, or for four-year-olds and upward the minimum weight shall be 112 pounds, subject to sex and apprentice allowances. This rule shall not apply to handicaps.Conn. Agencies Regs. § 12-574-A48