10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.435

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 18, September 25, 2024

Civil Money Penalty (CMP) means any penalty, fine or other sanction for a specific monetary amount that is assessed or enforced by the Department for a Class I non-State-operated Medicaid-only Nursing Facility or by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for all other Class I nursing facilities.

Enforcement Action means the process of the Department imposing against a Class I non-State operated Medicaid-only nursing facility one (or more) of the remedies for violation of federal requirements for participation as a nursing facility enumerated in the Federal Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987, 1989, and 1990, 42 U.S.C. 1396r(h), which is hereby incorporated by reference. The incorporation of 42 U.S.C. 1396r(h) excludes later amendments to, or editions of, the referenced material. The Department maintains copies of this incorporated text in its entirety, available for public inspection during regular business hours at: Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing, 1570 Grant Street, Denver, CO 80203. Certified copies of incorporated materials are provided at cost upon request.

Nursing Home Innovations Grant Board means a board authorized by C.R.S. section 25-1-107.5 (2013) to distribute funds from the nursing home penalty cash fund for measures that will benefit residents of nursing facilities by improving their quality of life at the facilities.

Grantee means a recipient of funds from the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund for measures that will benefit residents of nursing facilities by improving their quality of life as specified in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.435.2.E.4.b.

Immediate Jeopardy means a situation in which the nursing facility's non-compliance with one or more requirements of participation has caused, or is likely to cause, serious injury, harm, impairment or death to a resident.

Medicaid-Only Nursing Facility means a nursing facility that is reimbursed by Medicaid, but not Medicare.

Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund means the account that contains the money collected from CMPs imposed by the Department and also the amount transmitted by CMS from CMPs imposed by CMS. CMS computes the amount to be transmitted, the Medicaid portion, by applying the percentage of Medicaid clients in the nursing facility to the total CMP amount.

8.435.2.A. The Department enforces remedies for Class I Non-State-Operated Medicaid-Only Nursing Facilities and CMS enforces remedies for all other Class I nursing facilities, pursuant to 42 C.F.R. section 488.330. Class I nursing facilities are subject to one or more of the following remedies when found to be in substantial non-compliance with program requirements:
1. Termination of the Medicaid provider agreement.
2. CMP.
3. Denial of payment for new admissions of Medicaid clients.
4. Temporary management.
5. Transfer of residents.
6. Transfer of residents in conjunction with facility closure.
7. The following three remedies with imposition delegated to CDPHE:
a. State monitoring.
b. Directed plan of correction.
c. Directed in-service training.
8.435.2.B. Repealed.
8.435.2.C. The Class I non-State-operated Medicaid-only nursing facility will receive a Notice of Adverse from the Department. The appeal procedures set forth at Section 8.050 will apply. Any other Class I nursing facilities shall be notified by CMS of any adverse action.
8.435.2.D. Enforcement Actions for Class I nursing facilities
1. Termination of the Medicaid provider agreement:
a. Shall be effective within 23 days after the last day of the survey if the nursing facility has not removed the Immediate Jeopardy as determined by CDPHE.
b. May be rescinded by the Department when CDPHE notifies the Department that an Immediate Jeopardy is removed.
2. Denial of payment for new Medicaid admissions will end on the date CDPHE finds the nursing facility to be in substantial compliance with all participation requirements.
a. If substantial compliance is achieved before the denial of payment effective date, the denial of payment will be rescinded.
b. If substantial compliance is not achieved before the denial of payment effective date, the denial of payment will stop as of midnight on the date determined by CDPHE.
(1) Medicaid monies paid to the nursing facility for any resident admitted during the denial of payment effective period is subject to recoupment by the Department.
3. CMP
a. CMPs are effective on the date the non-compliance began.
b. If the nursing facility waives its right to an appeal in writing within 60 calendar days from the date the CMP is imposed, the CMP shall be reduced by 35%, notwithstanding the provisions of Section 8.050.
c. The CMP shall be submitted to the department or CMS as defined by the adverse action notification.
d. Payment of CMP shall not be an allowable cost on the nursing facility's annual Med-13 cost reports as described in Section 8.441.
8.435.2.E. Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund
1. All CMPs collected from Class I nursing facilities by the Department shall be transmitted to the state treasurer to be credited to the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund.
a. The Medicaid portions of CMPs imposed by CMS and transmitted to the State Treasurer shall be credited to the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund.
2. The Department and CDPHE have joint authority for administering the Nursing Home Penalty Cash fund, with final authority in the Department.
a. For measures aimed at improving the quality of life of residents of nursing facilities, the Nursing Facility Culture Change Accountability Board shall review and make recommendations to the departments regarding the use of the funds in the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund available for quality of life measures as specified in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.435.2.E.4.b.
3. The maximum amount of funds to be distributed from the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund each fiscal year for the purposes in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.435.2.E.4.b is specified in C.R.S. section 25-1-107.5.
4. As a basis for distribution of funds from the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund:
a. The Department and CDPHE shall consider the need to pay costs to:
1) Relocate residents to other facilities when a nursing facility closes
2) Maintain the operation of a nursing facility pending correction of violations;
3) Close a nursing facility;
4) Reimburse residents for personal funds lost.
b. The Nursing Facility Culture Change Accountability Board shall review and recommend distribution of funds for measures that will benefit residents of nursing facilities by improving their quality of life at the facilities, including:
1) Consumer education to promote resident-centered care in nursing facilities;
2) Training for state surveyors, supervisors and the state and local long term care ombudsman, established pursuant to C.R.S. section 26-11.5-104 et seq., regarding resident-centered care in nursing facilities;
3) Development of a newsletter and web site detailing information on resident-centered care in nursing facilities and related information;
4) Education and consultation for purposes of identifying and implementing resident-centered care initiatives in nursing facilities.
c. Expenses to administer and operate the accountability board, including reimbursement of expenses of accountability board members.
1) This expense shall not exceed 10 percent of the fiscal year amount authorized under 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.435.2.E.3.
5. The Department and CDPHE shall consider the recommendations of the Nursing

Facility Culture Change Accountability Board regarding the use of the funds available each fiscal year for quality of life improvement purposes specified in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.435.2.E.4.b.

6. For fiscal year 2009-2010 only, the Department shall contract with Colorado Health Care Education Foundation (CHCEF) to serve as the agent to disburse to grantees $194,997.00, the fiscal year 2009-2010 appropriation for measures that will benefit residents of nursing facilities by improving their quality of life.
a. This total amount of $194,997.00 is in accordance with the recommendations of the Nursing Facility Culture Change Accountability Board and approved by the Department and CDPHE, with final authority in the Department.
b. This appropriation of $194,997.00 from the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund is within the maximum appropriation of $200,000.00 authorized in C.R.S. section 25-1-107.5 for fiscal year 2009-2010.
c. If any grantee does not accept any portion of its approved disbursement amount, within thirty days of grantee notification to CHCEF, CHCEF shall return that portion to the Department to be credited to the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund.
7. For fiscal year 2010-2011 and successive fiscal years:
a. If any grantee does not accept any portion of its approved disbursement amount:
i. If funds are disbursed through an agent, the disbursement agent shall return that portion, within thirty days of grantee notification, to the Department to be credited to the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund.
ii. If funds are disbursed directly to the grantee, the grantee shall return that portion to the Department, within thirty days of disbursement, to be credited to the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund.
8. By October 1, 2010, and by each October 1 thereafter, the Department and CDPHE, with the assistance of the Nursing Facility Culture Change Accountability Board, shall jointly submit a report to the governor and the health and human services committees of the senate and house of representatives of the general assembly, or their successor committees, regarding the expenditure of moneys in the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund for the purposes described in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.435.2.E.4.b. The report shall detail the amount of moneys expended for such purposes, the recipients of the funds, the effectiveness of the use of the funds, and any other information deemed pertinent by the Department and CDPHE or requested by the governor or the committees.
a. The Nursing Facility Culture Change Accountability Board is responsible for monitoring grantee compliance in expending moneys for the approved measures.
b. If the total amount distributed to the grantee is not expended on the approved measure, the grantee shall return the remaining amount, within thirty days of completion of the measure, to the Department to be credited to the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund.
c. If the Department and CDPHE, based on the review of the Nursing Facility Culture Change Accountability Board, determine that any portions of the moneys received for the purposes described in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.435.2.E.4.b was not used appropriately, the grantee shall return that portion of the moneys, within thirty days of Nursing Facility Culture Change Accountability Board notification, to the Department to be credited to the Nursing Home Penalty Cash Fund.
d. Misuse of the funds by a grantee is subject to the false Medicaid claims provisions of C.R.S. sections 25.5-4-304 through 25.5-4-307.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.435

47 CR 01, January 10, 2024, effective 1/30/2024