10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.430

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 18, September 25, 2024

Action means denial or approval of the application or request for additional information regarding an application.

Existing Colorado Nursing Facility means any licensed nursing facility currently Medicaid certified by the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Finance and licensed by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

Licensed Bed Capacity means the licensed bed capacity of a nursing facility on file with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).

New nursing facility means a facility not licensed and Medicaid certified as a Colorado nursing facility as of the date of application of June 30, 2021.

Financially solvent means the ability of a company to meet its long-term financial obligations, as verified by an approved and qualified third-party auditor.

Case-Mix means the system determined by the State Department for grouping a nursing facility's residents according to their clinical and functional status as identified from data supplied by the facility's minimum data set (MDS) as published by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

Special Focus Facility means a nursing facility that has a history of serious quality issues or is included in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) program to stimulate improvements in the nursing facility's quality of care.

8.430.2.A.10 CCR 2505-10, Section 8.430 applies to all nursing facilities except:
1. A nursing facility that is currently Colorado Medicaid certified and experiences a change of ownership or a facility that is placed into receivership under the United States Bankruptcy Code and/or pursuant to C.R.S. § 25-3-108.
2. A nursing facility exclusively serving the developmentally disabled (intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities (ICF/IID) and home and community-based services for the developmentally disabled group homes).
3. A replacement facility for existing residents in a facility owned/operated by the applicant. Approval for the replacement facility shall only be granted if the conditions in subparagraphs a. through e, are met:
a. The applicant clearly documents that the old structure was substantially inadequate to efficiently and effectively provide quality of care for the residents.
b. The replacement facility is located no more than five miles from the original facility, or fifteen (15) miles if the original facility is in a rural community.
i) If the facility is the only Medicaid certified facility in the county, the replacement facility shall have no distance limitation, but must be in the same county
d. Residents living in the original facility at the time it is closed are given the right of first refusal for beds in the replacement facility.
e. The replacement facility has measurable innovative practices and design features exceeding that of the current facility. Examples of measurable innovative practices may include but are not limited to:
i) Improvements in technology
ii) Access to private rooms.
iii) Access to outdoor common areas.
iv) Improvements to noise control features.
v) Lighting modifications that support safety and independence.
vi) General features that promote safety and independence.
vii) Air quality/airflow measures that serve to prevent infections.
8.430.3.A. Procedures and Criteria for Medicaid Certification of a New Nursing Facility
1. The burden of demonstrating the need for a new Medicaid facility shall be entirely on the applicant.
2. The applicant for Medicaid certification of a new nursing facility shall:
a. File a letter of intent to apply for certification with the Department in January or July of the year in which the application will be filed. The letter of intent shall specify:
i) The person or corporation who will submit the application.
ii) The proposed service area.
iii) The number of beds in the new facility for which Medicaid approval will be requested.
b. No later than five months from the date of filing the letter of intent, the applicant shall submit a complete application. The application shall include:
i) The name, address and phone number of the person or corporation requesting approval for the new nursing facility.
ii) The total number of proposed beds and the number of beds requested for Medicaid certification.
iii) A description of the service area and justification that the service area can be reasonably served by the new nursing facility.
iv) If construction of the additional beds or the new nursing facility has not been completed by the date the application is filed, the following documentation shall also be provided:
1) Official written documentation showing ownership of the proposed new nursing facility.
2) Location of the proposed new nursing facility including documentation of ownership, lease or option to buy the land.
3) Documentation from a financial institution regarding financing support for the new nursing facility.
4) Complete, written documentation that preliminary architectural plans for the proposed new nursing facility have been submitted to CDPHE.
5) Expected completion date of the new nursing facility.
v) A statement regarding any previous contracts with or enrollment in any state's Medicaid program. The statement shall assure that the applicant has never been found guilty of fraud or been decertified from participation in the Medicaid program in Colorado or any other state.
3. A completed application shall be made available on the Department's website for public review and comment. In addition, the applicant shall submit a local public newspaper notice published within the service area defined in the application at the applicant's expense. The applicant must provide a copy of the newspaper notice after the application has been posted for public review. A public hearing on the application may be conducted.
4. As a condition of approval, the new provider may be required to execute an appropriate performance agreement, as specified by the Department.
5. Approval or denial of an application for Medicaid certification of a new nursing facility shall be based on all the following information from the applicant:
a. Planned resident capacity and payer mix.
b. Planned measurable innovative practices of the proposed new facility from existing nursing facilities in the same service area (e.g., new models of care, special programs, or targeted populations).
c. Demographic analysis of the applicant's designated service area, including review of State demography data and a market analysis of other available long-term care services, e.g., assisted living, home health, home and community-based services, etc., and the extent to which such alternative services are utilized.
e. Projections of net patient revenue and operating costs.
f. Audited financial statements for the most recently closed fiscal year for the entity seeking Medicaid certification.
g. A statement from an actuary, certified public accountant, or financial firm indicating the applicant will be able to remain financially solvent for a time period of no less than thirty-six (36) months post project.
h. Historical information concerning the quality of care and survey compliance in other nursing facilities owned or managed by the applicant or a related entity or individual. Facilities facing enhanced oversight or designated as a Special Focus Facility or Special Focus Facility candidate will not be considered for Medicaid certification.
j. A statement assuring cooperation with de-institutionalization and community placement efforts.
k. Documentation of whether the proposed new facility provides needed beds to an underserved geographical area, as described in Section 8.430.3.A.5.j.i., or to an underserved special population, as described in Section 8.430.3.A.5.j.ii.
i) To qualify as an underserved geographical area of the state, the application must demonstrate, with appropriate documentation, that:
1) The new nursing Facility is located in the service area defined by the application. The service area must be no smaller than one (1) full county. The service area shall be no more than two contiguous counties in the state.
2) The service area shall have a nursing facility bed to population ratio of less than 40 beds per 1,000 persons over the age of 75 years.
a) The population projections shall be based upon statistics issued by the State Department of Local Affairs.
b) The applicable statistics for applications involving beds for which construction is complete at the time of application shall be the population statistics for the period including the date on which the application is filed.
c) The applicable statistics for applications involving beds for which construction is not complete at the time of application shall be the population projections for the expected date of completion of the beds set forth in the application.
d) The service area ratio will exempt Colorado Veterans Community Living Centers and include only beds generally available to the public.
3) The occupancy of existing nursing facilities in the proposed service area exceeds ninety percent (90%) for the six (6) months preceding the filing date of the application, as demonstrated by the nursing facility quarterly census statistics maintained by CDPHE.
ii) An application for a new nursing facility to serve an underserved special population shall contain the following information and documentation:
1) A description of the special populations to be served and why they cannot be served in the community.
2) Justification for the service area to be served.
3) A determination of whether there are existing excess beds in the proposed service area and, if so, why the existing excess beds cannot be used by or converted for use by the special populations.
a) The determination of existing excess beds shall include a population ratio analysis and occupancy analysis as set forth in Section 8.430.3.A.5.j.i., and shall be calculated by utilizing the formulas, methods and statistics set forth therein.
b) The justification of why existing excess beds cannot be used for or converted for use by the special populations(s) must be clearly demonstrated and supported by relevant and competent evidence.
4) Applications based on an underserved special population must document the special population of clients who have been certified for a hospital level of care in accordance with Section 8.470 is underserved in the proposed service area. Health Care Policy and Finance will verify the need using utilization records, hospital backlogs, and historical admission denials.
5) The following requirements may also apply to approval of new nursing acilities for special populations:
a) The Statewide URC shall certify long-term care prior authorization requests for Medicaid clients who are verified as meeting the special populations definitions provided in Section 8.430.3.A.5.j.ii.4.
b) In the case of applications for approval of new nursing facilities for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, all restrictions concerning Medicaid reimbursement described at Section 8.401.41 et seq., Guidelines for Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD's), shall apply.
6) A bed approved for a specific underserved special population shall not be used for any other population, even if a Medicaid client occupying this type of bed is discharged or experiences a change in physical condition which requires transfer to a general skilled nursing unit bed.
a) The Department may authorize an additional number of beds for individuals transitioning in/out of the specific special need or to support solvency of the special population program.
b) The Department's approval or denial determination will be communicated through Operational Memos.
8.430.4.A. Construction of approved nursing facilities shall adhere strictly to the specifications provided in the application. A new application shall be submitted and shall be subject to the criteria for approval in effect at the time of the new application when any of the following changes apply to the new facility with approved Medicaid beds:
1. Persons or corporations which have ownership.
2. The site upon which the new facility will be constructed.
3. Proposed service area.
4. Condition under which approval of facility is requested with reference to underserved geographical or underserved population criteria in accordance with Section 8.430.3.A.5.j.
8.430.4.B. The applicant shall complete the project within sixty (60)- months of the date of the Department's approval of the application. The Department may authorize one (1) extension of up to thirty (30) months if the applicant can show a good effort towards completion of the project.
8.430.4.C. No extension beyond the ninety (90)-month period shall be considered unless completion of the project is delayed for reasons beyond the applicant's control.
1. The following shall be considered reasons beyond the applicant's control:
a. Natural disasters.
b. Hazardous soil or water conditions documented by local authorities and unknown to applicant at time of acquisition of the property.
c. Fires or explosions at the construction site serious enough to substantially delay the project.
d. Public health emergency.
2. The following shall not be considered beyond the applicant's control:
a. Lack of financing or changes in need for financing.
b. Delays due to litigation.
c. Construction delays (examples of construction delays which would not be granted an extension: weather, management-labor problems, subcontractor missed deadlines, permit or zoning variance problems).
8.430.4.D. Applicants who complete the project within the sixty (60)-month period or any extension period are eligible for a Medicaid provider agreement provided the facility is inspected on-site and found by CDPHE to be in compliance with standards for licensure as a nursing facility and certification for Medicaid participation and so long as the applicant meets all other conditions of participation.
8.430.4.E. When two or more applications for the same service area or special population are received in the same application period the following conditions apply:
1. The Department will select the applicant that demonstrates the more measurable innovative practices, including but not limited to:
a. Improvements in technology;
b. Access to private rooms;
c. Access to outdoor common areas;
d. Improvements to noise control features;
e. Lighting modifications that support safety and independence;
f. General features that promote safety and independence; and
g. Air quality/airflow measures that serve to prevent infections.
1. 8.430.6.A. Beginning June 30, 2021, non-Medicaid certified facilities may reserve up to five beds for the purpose of minimizing transfer trauma, coordinating transfers, and accommodating long term residents of the facility that have outlived their third-party coverage or ability to privately pay for room and board. Facilities will not be considered Medicaid certified and not subject to the criteria in 8.430.3 New Medicaid Certification.
2. Facilities seeking to add up to the allowable five (5) beds shall submit a Provider Enrollment and letter requesting the beds to the Department.
3. Facilities seeking more than the allowable five (5) beds must meet the application process in Section 8.430.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.430

47 CR 01, January 10, 2024, effective 1/30/2024