10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.409

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 18, September 25, 2024

Intermediate nursing services in a licensed intermediate health care facility are defined as those services furnished in an institution or distinct part thereof to those clients who do not have an illness, disease, injury, or other condition that requires the degree of care and treatment which a hospital, Extended Care Facility, or Skilled Nursing Care Facility is designed to provide. Such services are provided under the supervision of a registered professional nurse or licensed practical nurse during the day shift, seven (7) days per calendar week. Covered intermediate services will be at a level less than those described as skilled nursing services and will include guidance and assistance for each client in carrying out their personal health program to assure that preventive measures, treatment, and medications prescribed by the physician are properly carried out and recorded.

These services are provided for according to a plan of treatment written by a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Colorado, and apply to clients whose conditions require medical services to maintain a degree of stability which has been achieved.

There must exist a medical need for the attending physician to visit the client on a professional basis at least once in every calendar quarter.


All nursing facilities which provide both skilled nursing facility care and care and services to clients classified as requiring intermediate nursing care, shall set aside a distinct part, or identifiable unit in such facility for the provision of such intermediate care to such clients.

A "distinct part" is one that meets the following conditions:

Identifiable unit- The distinct part of the nursing facility is an entire unit such as an entire ward or contiguous wards, wing, floor, or rooms. With respect to facilities having 2 or more rooms, such must be contiguous. The identifiable unit must consist of all beds and related facilities in the unit and house all patient-clients classified as intermediate care clients for whom payment is being made, except as provided in paragraph (d) below. It is clearly identified and is approved, in writing (licensed), by CDPHE.

Staff- Appropriate personnel shall be assigned to the identifiable unit and must work regularly therein. Immediate supervision of staff shall be provided at all times by qualified personnel as required for licensure.

Shared Facilities and Services- The identifiable unit may share such control services and facilities as management services, dietary, building maintenance and laundry, with other units.

Transfers Between Distinct Parts- Nothing herein shall be construed to require transfer of a client within the nursing facility, when, in the opinion of the client's physician, such transfer might be harmful to the physical or mental health of the client. Such opinion of the physician must be recorded on the patient's nursing facility medical chart and stand as a continuing order unless the circumstances requiring such exception change.


The following nursing care services and organization must be established as a minimum in order for an intermediate nursing care facility to receive reimbursement:

1. Administrative and supervisory responsibilities must be in writing.
2. Duties must be clearly defined in writing and assigned for the staff members.
3. Written policies and procedures for client care must be available to all personnel.

There must be on duty and in charge of the facility's nursing activities either a registered professional nurse or a licensed practical nurse who:

1. Is qualified by education, training, or experience for supervisory duties;
2. Is responsible to the administrator for development of standards, policies, and procedures governing intermediate nursing care, and for assuring that such standards, policies and procedures are observed;
3. Is responsible to the administrator for the selection, assignment, and direction of the activities of nursing service personnel;
4. Is employed full time (40 hours per week) in the facility;
5. Is devoted, full-time to direction and supervision of the nursing services; and
6. Is on duty during the day shift.

For the two day shifts (16 hours per calendar week) not covered by the Director of Nursing, there shall be a Registered Professional Nurse or a licensed Practical Nurse, and:

1. There shall be, at all times, a responsible staff member actively on duty in the facility, and immediately accessible to all residents, to whom residents can report injuries, symptoms of illness, or emergencies, and who is immediately responsible for assuring that appropriate action is promptly taken.
2. Assistance as needed to clients with routine activities of daily living including such services as help in bathing, dressing, grooming, and management of personal affairs.
3. Continuous supervision for residents whose mental condition is such that their personal safety requires such supervision.

At least three meals a day, constituting a nutritionally adequate diet must be served in one or more dining areas separate from the sleeping quarters. Tray service must be provided for clients temporarily unable to leave their rooms.

If the facility accepts or retains clients in need of medically prescribed special diets, the menus for such diets shall be planned by a professionally qualified dietitian, or must be reviewed and approved by the attending physician. The facility must provide supervision of the preparation and serving of the meals and their acceptance by clients.


Authorized subsidiary personnel performing duties in support of professional health care services include:

1. Nurse aides
2. Dietary
3. Housekeeping and maintenance

To assure the provision of adequate nursing services, each intermediate nursing care facility must provide sufficient:

1. Numbers and categories of personnel, as determined by the number of clients in the facility and their particular nursing care needs. This determination is made in accordance with accepted policies of effective nursing care and with these regulations.
2. Nursing and auxiliary personnel are employed and assigned to duties on the basis of their qualifications or experience to perform designated duties.
3. Bedside care under direction of the client's physician in the presence of minor illness and for temporary periods to include nursing service provided by, or supervised by, a professional nurse or licensed practical nurse.

An intermediate care facility may, at its option, secure the services of a pharmacy consultant. If such facility takes this option, the provisions of rule item 2 are applicable.


The following records, as a minimum, must be kept current, dated and signed, and must be made available for review if applicable:

1. Identification and summary sheets.
2. Hospital discharge summary sheet.
3. Medical evaluation and treatment plan.
4. Physician's orders.
5. Physician's progress notes.
6. Nurse's progress notes.
7. Medication and treatment record.
8. Laboratory and X-ray reports.
9. Consultation reports.
10. Dental reports.
11. Social Service notes.
12. Pharmacy Consultant's notes.
1. Files retained at least six (6) years. (Before destruction of records, however, the nursing home's legal counsel should be consulted.)
2. In the event that a patient is transferred to another health facility, certain transfer information should be incorporated in a record to accompany the patient. This information should include:
a. A transfer form of diagnosis;
b. Aid to daily living information;
c. Transfer orders;
d. Nursing care plan;
e. Physician's orders for care.
1. Disclosed only to authorized persons.
2. Form APA 4, "Authorization for Release of Medical Information" shall be executed in duplicate (original to the nursing home medical record with a copy to the county department) at the time of admission. This form must be signed by the client, or the client's designated representative, parent (if a minor), guardian, or other legally responsible person.

It is recommended that the Intermediate Health Care Facility have available:

1. A consultant who is a registered records administrator, or a person who is accredited as a records technician.
2. An employee who is trained or is receiving training in medical records management for accreditation as a records technician or a registered records administrator.

Eligible clients may be admitted to approved facilities only upon the certification of a physician licensed to practice in Colorado that there is a functional need for such admission. The client's freedom of choice of physician shall be respected. Health care of the client must continue under the supervision of a physician. The facility must have a physician available for necessary medical care in case of emergency.


The medical need of a client for Intermediate Nursing Care shall be delineated in the plan of treatment and substantiating orders written by the physician and by the performance of the necessary Intermediate nursing services implementing such plans and orders.

Upon admission to an Intermediate Nursing Care Facility, the facility must obtain for the medical record of each such client:

1.A summary of the course of treatment by the attending physician or which was followed in the hospital, the diagnosis(es) and current medical findings, and the rehabilitation potential.
2.An evaluation by the physician. Physical examination must be accomplished within 48 hours of admission and recorded, unless such an examination has been accomplished within five days prior to admission to the Intermediate Nursing Care Facility.
3.Physician's Orders. Orders must be written for the immediate care of the client. These may be written by the attending physician or by the physician who has the responsibility for emergency care in this facility. The current hospital summary of the course of treatment, with orders used, is acceptable as emergency orders.
4.The physician's treatment plan. The plan must be written and must be directed towards maintaining the health status of the client, preventing further deterioration of the physical well-being of the client, and preparing the client for normal noninstitutional life. The plan must be reviewed consistent with the continuing professional care by the physician, and revised as necessary, and must include medication and treatment orders which will be in effect for the specified number of days indicated by the physician. This period shall not exceed ninety (90) days unless reordered in writing by the physician. Telephone orders may be accepted by licensed nurses, but must be written into the clinical record by the receiving nurse. These orders must be countersigned by the ordering physician within 48 hours. The medical necessity for a physician's visit, at least once every quarter, must be evidenced in the clinical record by a valid signed entry.
5.Plan for Emergency Care. Each Intermediate Nursing Care Facility must provide for one, or more, physicians to be available to furnish emergency medical care, or surgical procedures, if the attending physician is not immediately available. A schedule listing the name, telephone number, and days on call for a given physician will be posted at each nursing station. An RPN or LPN must be on call (for availability to handle emergencies; to contact the physician, receive orders or medications) for all shifts other than the day shift. The Intermediate Nursing Care Facility must also establish procedures which will be followed in the emergency care of the client, the persons to be notified, and the reports to be prepared.

The medical need of the client for Intermediate Nursing Care shall be redetermined every six months or at the time of the physician's required quarterly visit if the client's condition has changed.

The term "substantial change" does not encompass short-term treatment regimens for temporary illness, adjustments to prescribed medications when the frequency and dosage is not affected, or changes to be in effect for less than a thirty (30) day period.


Medical review of the treatment of all clients in intermediate nursing care facilities who are entitled to medical assistance will be accomplished annually.


The medical review team for intermediate nursing clients shall be composed of one or more nurses and other appropriate health and social service personnel as indicated and will function under the supervision of a physician.

No member of the team may be employed by or have financial interest in any nursing home. No physician member of a team may inspect the care of patients for whom he is the attending physician.

1. The medical treatment of intermediate nursing facility clients entitled to medical assistance shall be reviewed at least annually.
2. Annual review consists of an evaluation of the treatment, utilizing the medical record and physical contact with, and observation of, each client in the nursing facility surroundings. This review, at a minimum, will elicit:
a. Medical necessity for visit by attending physician at least once every calendar quarter.
b. Adequacy in quality and quantity as well as the timeliness of treatment to meet health needs.
c. Adherence to the written physician's treatment plan.
d. Review of prescribed medications by the attending physician at least every ninety (90) days during the necessary client visit.
e. Tests, or observations of clients, indicated by their medication regimen have been made at appropriate times and properly recorded.
f. Physician, nurse, and other professional staff progress notes are made as required, and appear to be consistent with observed condition of the client.
g. Adequate services are being rendered to each client as shown by such observations as cleanliness, absence of decubiti, absence of signs of malnutrition or dehydration, and apparent maintenance of optimal physical, mental, and psychosocial function.
h. Client's need for any service not available in, or actually being furnished by the particular facility, or through arrangements with others.
i. Each client actually needs continued placement in the facility, or there is an appropriate plan to transfer the client to an alternate method of care.
1. Review reports of care in each facility are submitted to the Department.
a. After review copies are forwarded to:
1) The intermediate care facility.
2) The intermediate care facility Utilization Review Committee.
2. Reports will cover observations, conclusions, and recommendations with respect to adequacy and quality of client services in the facility, and of physician services to clients in the facility. They will also cover specific findings with respect to individual clients and any recommendations resulting therefrom.
1. Reports submitted as a result of Medical Review may result in decisions to reclassify clients into a different level of care, or recommendations for modification of treatment.

Such decisions or recommendations will be transmitted as appropriate to the:

a. Attending physician.
b. Administration of the Intermediate Nursing Care Facility.
c. County department responsible for the client.
2. Changes in classification recommended will be made prior to the next billing period.

Disagreements with the decisions and recommendations of the Review Team may be adjudicated through the Administrative Review mechanism of the Department; however, the Department will retain the right to final decision.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.409

47 CR 01, January 10, 2024, effective 1/30/2024