10 Colo. Code Regs. § 2505-10-8.408

Current through Register Vol. 47, No. 18, September 25, 2024
A. Skilled nursing services in a licensed nursing care facility are those services performed by licensed nursing personnel, or personnel under their supervision. These services must be performed according to a plan of treatment written by a physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Colorado. These services apply to clients whose condition(s) require medical services to maintain a degree of stability, which has been achieved. Components of these services include:
1. The medical need for the attending physician to visit the client on a professional basis at least once every thirty (30) days.
2. Observation and assessment of the total needs of the client, utilizing skilled nursing judgment.
3. Planning, organizing, and managing the client care plan which requires specialized training to accomplish delivery of health care, or to attain the desired results or to render direct services to "the patient".
B. These health care services require regular medical care and 24-hour licensed nursing services for illnesses, injury, or disability. Nursing service shall be organized and maintained to provide 24hour licensed nursing services under the direction of a registered professional nurse employed full time and at least two (2) hours total nursing staff time for each patient per 24-hour day.
C. Covered skilled nursing services must adhere to one or more of the following principles:
1. A service which requires a substantial specialized judgment and skill based on knowledge and application of the principles of biological, physical, and social sciences, necessary to perform or supervise effectively the services rendered, or
2. A service that is unskilled but which requires skilled performance, supervision, or observation because of special medical complications. Medical complications and special services must be documented by the physician's order and the nursing notes.
D. In addition to meeting the definition of skilled nursing services, coverage of such services is warranted only if skilled nursing personnel must be available on a continuous 24-hour basis. In determining whether the continuous availability of such personnel is warranted, the following principles apply:
1.Frequency of Services- The frequency of skilled nursing services required, rather than their regularity, is the controlling factor in determining whether the continuous availability of skilled nursing personnel is warranted.
2.Observation- Where observation is the principle continuous service provided, because symptoms exist that indicate the need for immediate modification of treatment of institution of medical procedures.
E. The purpose of the above-stated components and principles, and of 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.408.1 et seq., is to provide general direction and guidelines for admission, utilization review, and medical review; with the intent that the individual's overall medical situation (including mental condition) shall be taken into account in evaluation and determination of the level of care to be provided.

Based upon the principles set forth, skilled nursing services include but are not limited to the following:

A. Subcutaneous or intramuscular injections and intravenous medications and/or feedings.
B. Levine tube and gastrostomy feedings.
C. Naso-pharyngeal aspiration.
D. Insertion and replacement of catheters.
E. Aseptic application of dressings involving prescription medications.

Supportive services which can be learned and performed by the average non-medical person who has been trained in these procedures, provided to either skilled or intermediate care patients include but are not limited to the following:

A. Provision of routine maintenance medications.
B. Prevent decubiti, keep clean, and comfortable.
C. Safety measures against accident and injury.
D. General maintenance are of colostomy or ileostomy.
E. Routine services in connection with in-dwelling bladder catheters.
F. Changes in dressings in noninfected postoperative or chronic conditions.
G. Prophylactic and palliative skin care, including bathing and application of creams, and care of minor skin problems.
H. General methods of caring for incontinent patients, including use of diapers.
I. General care of patients with a plaster cast.
J. Routine care in connection with braces and similar devices.
K. Use of heat for palliative and comfort purposes.
L. Administration of medical gases after initial phases of institution of therapy.
M. Assistance in dressing, eating, and going to the toilet.
N. General supervision of exercises which have been taught to the patient.
O. Diet supervision and administration for those persons requiring specialized diet.
P. Skilled paramedical services involving specialized training outside the licensed nursing curriculum.

The following nursing care services and organization must be established as a minimum in order for a skilled nursing care facility to receive reimbursement.

A. Administrative and supervisory responsibilities must be in writing.
B. Duties must be clearly defined in writing and assigned for staff members.
C. Written policies and procedures for client care must be available to all personnel.
D. All professional services rendered by the nursing facility staff, physician, or other professional personnel, must be entered in the client's individual record and signed.

The nursing services must be under the direction of a director of nursing service who:

1. Is a registered professional nurse.
2. Is qualified by education, training, or experience for supervisory duties.
3. Is responsible to the administrator for development of standards, policies, and procedures governing skilled nursing care, and for assuring that such standards, policies, and procedures are observed.
4. Is responsible to the administrator for the selection assignment, and direction of the activities of nursing services personnel.
5. Is employed full time in the facility.
6. Devotes their full time to direction and supervision of the nursing services; and,
7. Is on duty during the day shift.

At all times, there must be on duty and in charge of the facility's nursing activities either:

1. A registered professional nurse; or,
2. A practical (or vocational) nurse who:
a. Is licensed by the State as a practical (or vocational) nurse; and
b. Has graduated from a State-approved school of practical nursing; or,
c. Has other education and formal training that is found by the State authority responsible for licensing of practical nurses to provide a background considered to be equivalent to graduation from a State-approved school of practical nursing.

Nursing personnel means registered nurse (RN), licensed practical nurse (LPN), and those auxiliary workers, other than RN or LPN, in the nursing service.

To assure the provision of adequate nursing services, each nursing care facility must provide sufficient:

1. Numbers and categories of personnel as determined by the number of patients in the facility and their particular nursing care needs. This determination is made in accordance with accepted policies of effective nursing care and with these guidelines will provide at least two (2) hours total nursing staff time for each patient per 24-hour day.
2. Nursing and auxiliary personnel employed and assigned to duties on the basis of their qualifications or experience to perform designated duties.
3. Amounts of nursing time to assure that each patient:
a. Receives treatments, medications, and diet as prescribed;
b. Is kept comfortable, clean, and well-groomed;
c. Receives proper care to prevent decubitus ulcers;
d. Is protected from accident and injury by appropriate safety measures;
e. Is encouraged to perform out-of-bed activities as permitted; and,
f. Receives assistance to maintain optimal physical and mental function.

Authorized subsidiary personnel performing duties in support of professional health care services may or may not be included in arriving at the computation of cost allowances set forth in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.400 et seq.

A. Dietary - Professional planning and supervision of meal services.

Special and restricted diet files shall be maintained for thirty (30) days, and any substitutions or variations noted. The patient's reaction and acceptance of food must be observed and recorded.

Menus must be planned and supervised by professional personnel meeting the following qualifications:

1. A dietician who meets the American Dietetic Association's standards for qualification as a dietician; or,
2. A graduate holding at least a bachelor's degree from the university program, with major study in food or nutrition; or,
3. A trained food service supervisor, an associate degree dietary technician, or a professional registered nurse, with frequent and regularly scheduled consultation from a dietician or a nutritionist meeting the above-stated qualifications.

Inclusion of dietary consultation costs are an allowable item in computing the rate of payment above-referenced.

B. Pharmacy Consultant- A person licensed to practice pharmacy in the State of Colorado, and whose duties are related to the nursing facility administration of drugs to patients. Such duties relate to:
1. Drug interactions;
2. Proper medication usage pertinent to the diagnosis and length of medication; specific to proper usage in records, stop orders, etc.;
3. Appropriate storage and safeguards of medications;
4. Study of possible brand interchanges;
5. Check on authenticity of medication pursuant to labeling;
6. Contraindications and other professional activities related to drug administration, receipting, storage, etc.

Costs related to pharmacal consultation are allowable in determining the rate to be paid, under the same conditions as for dietary in item 1 above.

C. Housekeeping and Maintenance- Allowed pursuant to above-cited rules on cost computation.

The following records, as a minimum, must be kept current, dated and signed, and must be made available for review if applicable:

1. Identification and summary sheets.
2. Hospital discharge summary sheet.
3. Medical evaluation and treatment plan.
4. Physician's orders.
5. Physician's progress notes.
6. Nurse's progress notes.
7. Medication and treatment record.
8. Laboratory and X-ray reports.
9. Consultation reports.
10. Dental reports.
11. Social Service notes.
12. Pharmacal Consultant records.
13. PASRR documentation to include the Level I and Level II Reviews and the determination letters.
1. Files shall be retained for at least six years.
2. In the event that a client is transferred to another health facility, certain transfer information should be incorporated in a record to accompany the client. Such transfer information shall include:
a. Transfer form with diagnosis;
b. Aid to daily living information;
c. Transfer orders;
d. Nursing care plan;
e. Physician's orders for care.
1. Disclosed only to authorized persons.
2. Form APA-4, "Authorization for Release of Medical Information" shall be executed in duplicate (original to the nursing facility medical record with a copy to the County Department of Social/Human Services) at the time of admission. This form must be signed by the client, the client's designated representative, the client's parent (if a minor), guardian, or other legally responsible person.

The nursing care facility must have available, and a staff person designated:

a. A consultant or full-time employee who is a registered records administrator (Medical Records Librarian), or an accredited records technician, or;
b. A registered records administrator or other employee who is trained in medical records, and who receives supervision from a registered records administrator; or,
c. If the facility does not have such employee with such training, an employee of the facility is assigned the responsibility for assuring that records are maintained, completed, and preserved. Such person, however, must be trained by, and receive regular consultation from a registered records administrator or accredited records technician.

Eligible clients may be admitted to approved facilities only upon the certification of a physician licensed to practice in Colorado that there is a medical need for such admission (Form ULTC-100). The clients' freedom of choice of physician shall be respected. Health care of the client must continue under the supervision of a physician. The facility must have a physician available for necessary medical care in case of emergency.


The medical need of a client for skilled nursing care shall be delineated in the plan of treatment and substantiating orders written by the physician and by the performance of the necessary skilled nursing services implementing such plans and orders. Upon admission to a skilled nursing care facility, the facility must obtain for the medical record of each such client:

1. A summary of the course of treatment by the attending physician or which was followed in the hospital, the diagnosis(es) and current medical findings, and the rehabilitation potential.
2. An evaluation by the physician. Physical examination must be accomplished within 48 hours of admission and recorded; unless such an examination has been accomplished within five days prior to admission to the skilled nursing care facility.
3. Physician's orders. Orders must be written for the immediate care of the client. These may be written by the attending physician or by the physician who has the responsibility for emergency care in this facility. The current hospital summary of the course of treatment, with orders used, is acceptable as emergency orders.
4. The physician's treatment plan. The plan must be written and must be directed towards maintaining the health status of the client, preventing further deterioration of the physical well-being of the client, and preparing the client for normal non-institutional life. The plan must be reviewed and revised as necessary, and must include medication and treatment orders which will be in effect for the specified number of days indicated by the physician. This period shall be monthly unless reordered in writing by the physician. Telephone orders may be accepted by licensed nurses only and must be written into the clinical record by the receiving nurse. These orders must be countersigned by the ordering physician within 48 hours.

The medical necessity for a physician's visit, at least once every thirty (30) days, must be evidenced in the clinical record by a valid signed entry.

5. Plan for Emergency Care- Each skilled nursing care facility must provide for one, or more, physicians to be available to furnish emergency medical care if the attending physician is not immediately available. A schedule listing the name, telephone number and days on call for a given physician will be posted at each nursing station. The skilled nursing care facility must also establish procedures which will be followed in the emergency care of the client, the persons to be notified, and the reports to be prepared.

The medical need of the client for skilled nursing care shall be redetermined monthly at the time of the physician's required monthly visit.

The term "substantial change" does not encompass short-term treatment regimens for temporary illness, adjustments to prescribed medications, or changes to be in effect for less than a thirty (30) day period.


Medical review of the treatment of all clients in skilled nursing care facilities who are entitled to medical assistance will be accomplished prior to May 2, 1972 (to meet requirements of 42 C.F.R. section 456.2), and annually thereafter. Medical review procedures herein are in addition to those set forth in 10 CCR 2505-10 section 8.449 concerning Utilization Review.


The medical review team for skilled nursing care clients will be led by a Colorado Registered Nurse or a Colorado Licensed Physician. The teams will include other appropriate health and social service personnel. Nurse-led teams will report to a physician.

No member of the team may be employed by or have financial interest in any nursing facility. No physician member of a team may inspect the care of clients for whom he is the attending physician.

1. The medical treatment of skilled nursing clients entitled to medical assistance shall be reviewed at least annually.
2. Annual review shall consist of an evaluation of the treatment, utilizing the medical record and personal contact with, and observation of, each client in the nursing facility surroundings. This review, at a minimum, will elicit:
a. Medical necessity for visit by attending physician at least once every thirty (30) days.
b. Adequacy in quality and quantity as well as the timeliness of treatment to meet health needs.
c. Adherence to the written physician's treatment plan.
d. Tests, or observations of clients, indicated by their medication regimen have been made at appropriate times and properly recorded.
e. Physician, nurse, and other professional staff progress notes are made as required, and appear to be consistent with observed condition of the client.
f. Adequate services are being rendered to each client as shown by such observations as cleanliness, absence of decubiti, absence of signs of malnutrition or dehydration, and apparent maintenance of optimal physical, mental, and psychosocial function.
g. Client's need for any service not available in, or actually being furnished by the particular facility, or through arrangements with others.
h. Each client actually needs continued placement in the facility, or there is an appropriate plan to transfer the client to an alternate method of care.
1. Review reports of care in each facility are submitted to the Department.
a. After review copies are forwarded to:
1) Nursing care facility
2) Nursing care facility Utilization Review Committee
2. Reports will cover observations, conclusions and recommendations with respect to adequacy and quality of client services in the facility, and of physician services to clients in the facility. They will also cover specific findings with respect to individual clients and any recommendations resulting therefrom.
1. Reports submitted as a result of Medical Review may result in decisions to reclassify clients into a different level of care, or recommendations for modification of treatment.

Such decisions or recommendations will be transmitted as appropriate, to the:

a. Attending physician.
b. Administration of the nursing facility.
c. County Department of Social/Human Services responsible for the client.
2. Changes in classification recommended will be affected prior to the next billing period.

Disagreements with the decisions and recommendations of the Review Team may be adjudicated through the Administrative Review mechanism of the Department; however, the Department will retain the right to final decision.

10 CCR 2505-10-8.408

47 CR 01, January 10, 2024, effective 1/30/2024